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New Lindows can still use its name

More importantly, the Court ruled that once a word is declared generic it continues to be generic, informing Microsoft that no amount of marketing around a generic word changes the generic status of the word.

"Essentially, the Court's ruling confirms that a company, no matter how much money it spends, cannot buy a word out of the English language," said Daniel Harris, Lindows.com's lead trial counsel, in a statement yesterday.

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New Re: Lindows can still use its name
Unfortunately, in places where English is not the local language:
The delay won\ufffdt help resellers of Lindows in the Netherlands, Finland and Sweden. Judges there have sided with Microsoft and barred the company from using the Lindows name.

The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled. -- Plutarch
     Lindows can still use its name - (admin) - (1)
         Re: Lindows can still use its name - (a6l6e6x)

Weapon of choice.
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