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New Private antitrust suits can recover as much as triple damage
AOL, for instance, may get around $9-12 Billion. Isn't that what they paid for Netscape? Microsoft may learn the hard way that it doesn't pay to violate Section 2 of the Sherman Anti-Trust laws. The punishment can be a major pain in the wallet, as well it should be.

[link|http://www.newsbytes.com/news/01/167797.html|Microsoft Ruling May Help Plaintiffs In Other Suits]

By Carrie Johnson, Washington Post
11 Jul 2001, 6:09 AM CST

A federal appeals court's recent decision branding Microsoft Corp. a monopolist removes one of the key hurdles facing plaintiffs in more than 100 private lawsuits against the software giant.

Those bringing the suits no longer have to prove the Redmond, Wash., firm wields monopoly power. In seeking damages, they now can focus their legal action on how that dominance actually harmed them.

"The heart of the case has been taken care of," said Herbert Hovenkamp, an antitrust scholar at the University of Iowa law school.

Plaintiffs who win private antitrust suits can recover as much as triple damages, plus attorneys' fees, under the Clayton Act \ufffd a 1914 law that regulates competition in the marketplace.
New And this is the part overlooked by so many "journalists".
Just about each and every company that ever wrote software for the x86 platform now has an option to sue MS.

Well, if they wrote software since 1995 or whenever.

Not to mention that these cases can be tried in the victim's home state. Go for a jury trial of locals.

New Notice that they mentioned 100 "existing" lawsuits
... how many more will be filed now that the 800 pound gorilla has been put on a leash?

Today's IE removal announcement is merely the first thing Microsoft will change in order to appear to be a good citizen. (or am I being cynical.)

I just wonder how mad Bill will get when he finds out how much his company is going to be fined and penalized. Especially after all these forthcoming peace-offerings. (:
     Private antitrust suits can recover as much as triple damage - (brettj) - (2)
         And this is the part overlooked by so many "journalists". - (Brandioch) - (1)
             Notice that they mentioned 100 "existing" lawsuits - (brettj)

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