I'm sure Marlowe falls into the group denying that there is any comparison between our actions and Hitler's.

He refers to "goosestepping" he's outright called people Nazis on here, and made any other number of references that to me indicate the opposite. Marlowe, am I off base? If so, please set me straight, because I mean no disrespect.

Ah, I see where you are confused now. Marlowe has called some people facists, Stalanists, Nazis and such. But he is actually a big fan of the current president and our actions in Iraq. The people he calls "Nazis" are moderate to left wing people who opposed the invasion of Iraq.

As for the German army, when I said loyalty, I didn't mean to imply loyalty to the Nazi party. The dedicated core of the Nazi party was always a small minority in Germany. At the start, most of the soldiers where motivated by loyalty to Germany (nationalism) or by loyalty to the army itself (militarism). It was only in the second half of the war that fear became a major motivating force among the German army.