However, I was not referring to facts or even attempting to refute his statements, just get a little glimmer of where they might be coming from. I don't understand all the political ramifications of every link or article, they are entirely too complex for me to get much more than the barest understanding of. However, I was trying hard to remember the last President we have had who outright decided to go to war on a country without the support of Nato or having clearly been attacked first.
I wracked my brain, but I could not think of any. Even in WW2 we didn't actually join in until we almost had no choice. We drug our heels despite being asked for help.
Can anyone think of any other instance in history where a President declared war on a country without that country clearly attacking us first? I'm a little blurry on Kosovo and also on Grenada, but I still don't think we "invaded" either of those, did we?
My actual goal isn't to agree with what Marlowe posts, but to try and get some understanding of why he posts it, and what he's thinking about it. :) That's the first key to good communication, understanding. :) I think maybe he just wants to be understood. Maybe not, but I won't know till I try.
Nightowl >8#