When I said this would provide future excuses for war, I didn't mean against Pakistan. Rather, Pakistan can now discover evidence that they sold nuclear secrets and materials to country x, and we have suddenly have a reason to invade country x.

Heck, it may even work better then the reasons we had to invade Iraq, because the US can have Pakistan actually sell some supplies to the country. That way there is little risk of the no discovery problem happening again.

To be honest though, I think it has far more to do with keeping Musharraf in power then anything else. If Musharraf falls out of power the country is sure to fall into radical Muslim hands right now, and the idea of them getting their hands on actually existing nuclear armed missles is enough to make the US put up with a lot of crap.

As for trying to blame this on the State Department, the State Department does not make this sort of decision on their own. The decision to accept Pakistan's story would have had to come from the top.
