From: [link||]
So you would call yourself an empiricist? You have to see evidence to believe something?
Oh, of course. I understand belief and I understand its place. And I understand the need to control people by having these invisible authority figures. If you can get a person at seven years of age to believe that there?s an invisible man watching you, you can pretty much add almost anything you want after that point. So, I think it serves a great purpose. It?s a political act. I have a thing I?m doing in my show now about the Ten Commandments. I refer to it as a political document. I try to show how you don?t need ten. Ten is a marketing number. It?s a convenient number. If you said you there were eleven commandments, people would have told you to go get fucked. But ten commandments, like the top ten, the ten best dressed, the ten most wanted- it?s an important official sounding number so that people respect it. But I take them apart- I kind of analyze them and I show you how you can combine them. There?s duplication. Stealing and lying are both dishonesty. So all you need to say is ?Thou shalt not be dishonest.? Adultery and coveting the neighbor?s wife- relatively the same thing- fidelity, infidelity- and they are also dishonesty. Infidelity and dishonesty are really in the same family. So you know. So I think this all a game being perpetrated. And it?s very, very effective.
Or from here:[link||http://www.yalehera...4carlin.html]
Carlin explained that the Ten Commandments can really be reduced to two if you throw away the bullshit ones and condense the similar ones. "I don't think you should outlaw thinking about another guy's wife, or else what are you going to think about when you're jerking off?" he said.
What Carlin left us with of the original 10 was simple: "Thou shalt always be honest and true to the source of thy nookie," and "Thou shalt try not to kill anyone...unless they deserve it. Really, Moses could have kept these in his pocket, and the Alabama courthouse could put them up with one other: `Thou shalt keep thy mother-fucking religion to thy mother-fucking self.'"
Not saying that I necessarily agree, but found a few similarities with his schtick and yours...