"Dude, where's my country?"
Sorry Dude, your country has been outsourced to India. They can do a much better job at a fraction of the price. Your congressperson and senators are now Indian natives working in India. We solved the whole budget problem by firing all Federal Workers and outsourcing everything to India, even the military. Please note the change in our country's name, The United States of India. Our currency is now the Rupie, please shred every USA paper money that you have as it is now worthless. Keep the coins and melt them down to sell the metals for more Rupies. The L1 and H1B Visa quotas have been increased to 30 million each, expect that whatever job you may hold will be terminated as soon as your Indian replacement arrives. You will be assigned a cardboard box and a street corner to live on, as obviously without a job your property will be repossessed. Thank you for being a USA Citizen, sorry for the inconvenience, our country has now officially been taken over and no longer exists as it once did. :)
"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"