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New Okay, fair point.
The reason I mostly just link to other articles is twofold: one, it amounts to footnotes citing my basis for my position. Two, in the case of links to editorials, it's more efficient than writing my own editorial. In the future, I may spell out my own positions in editorials more often. But I won't stop linking to other places on the Web to back up what I say. That's what the Web is for. It's the power of hypertext.

I tend to be brief because my spare time comes in small packages.

Kerry does have a real chance of beating Bush, but it won't be easy. Dubya's a real fighter, and he knows something about political strategy. If Bush screws up, Kerry will win, and [link|http://www.angelfire.com/ca3/marlowe/fhlm.html|the world will be poorer for it.] Edwards would be a bit less harmful to civilization than Kerry, but he's the long shot now.

The Democrat primary is all about beating Bush at any cost. They'll sell humanity down the river to do it. Only Lieberman was entirely above this.

It's Democrat envy against Bush determination. It's going to be interesting. Expect to learn a lot more about military records and Vietnam PoWs in the months to come.
"How can I go to the bathroom when my people are in bondage?" - Saddam Hussein
"If I may be candid for a moment, and let's see you try to stop me..." - Jay Conrad Levinson
Compromise is for suckers. Seeking a middle ground is what led to 9/11.
"I do not want to be admired by scumbags and liars and wife beaters. I want to be admired by good and decent, intelligent and just people, and in order to achieve this I need to do things that make me despised by their opposites." - Bill Whittle
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
New Hmmmm
I looked at your link, but couldn't figure out why the world would be poorer if Kerry beat Bush. Isn't anything better than letting Bush remain in office, or are we simply picking the lesser of two evils?

I understand that people, including you link to articles, I just kinda like to know a little of the person's spin on things at times, rather than just something they agree with. Makes for a more interesting discussion. But believe me, I understand about limited time also.

Just curious, which state were you from again? Were you from Boston? Has that state been through it's primary yet?

Nightowl >8#

Edit: fixed typo.

"To become different from what we are, we must have some awareness of what we are."
Eric Hoffer
Expand Edited by Nightowl Feb. 5, 2004, 01:52:23 PM EST
New different people have different reasons for Bush removal
In my case the war doesnt bother me but the Patriot act does. If he recinded that, and fired ashcroft while kicking the FBI in the ass for using that to chase criminals instead of terrorists I would probably vote for Bush. Since I think the patriot act is a direct assualt on civil rights and he loves the dam thing I want him gone. Other folks may have different reasons.

I do hold an englishman's brothel is his castle , where he should behave accordingly--as many flash tails as he likes , but none of the troop fornications that the orientals and germans indulge in. Its not the indecency I mind , but the company of a lot of boozy brutes hallooing and kicking up a deuce of a row when I want to concentrate and give off my best. A regular bacchanalia is something to see right enough, but I am with the discriminating Frog who said that one is interesting, but only a cad would make a habit of it.
Sir Harold Flashman esquire VC OBE

questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
New don't feed the troll
New I have a purpose. ;)

"To become different from what we are, we must have some awareness of what we are."
Eric Hoffer
     Kerry bought and paid for by Red China? - (marlowe) - (13)
         same paymaster as bush, he gave them a spyplane -NT - (boxley)
         GO THE FUCK AWAY (new thread) - (deSitter)
         Dream on... - (Simon_Jester) - (1)
             dont listen to the commie - (boxley)
         Hey now. - (folkert) - (8)
             Hey there. - (marlowe) - (7)
                 Hi Marlowe! :) - (Nightowl) - (6)
                     Okay, fair point. - (marlowe) - (4)
                         Hmmmm - (Nightowl) - (3)
                             different people have different reasons for Bush removal - (boxley)
                             don't feed the troll -NT - (deSitter) - (1)
                                 I have a purpose. ;) -NT - (Nightowl)
                     don't feed the troll -NT - (deSitter)

Jump, jive and wail!
98 ms