Post #139,807
2/4/04 5:09:06 PM

Fscking joy
We're gonna have 3 to 6 inches of snow and THEN 1/2 to 1 inch of ice. FSCK!! I HATE ICE! Snow is fine, but ice SUCKS. I took a real dive walking back from the store the other day. The bad leg is not totally responsive yet - still stiff and sore, so my footing is not the best. Hit an ice patch covered with a little snow and WHOOSH - my one bag of groceries went flying straight up into the air, and the torque broke open the new long box of 12 Cokes - it was raining Cokes on me, which then scattered in every direction - a couple even slid into the sewer with a ploink sound.
Post #139,814
2/4/04 5:50:00 PM

-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #139,821
2/4/04 6:02:31 PM

Oy Vey!
Ice is a bitch. We had it last week a schools were closed for 2-3 days.
The last time I took a spill on ice, like yours, I broke a bone in my hand.
The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled. -- Plutarch
Post #139,918
2/5/04 12:43:26 AM

Re: Fscking joy
We're gonna have 3 to 6 inches of snow and THEN 1/2 to 1 inch of ice. FSCK!! I HATE ICE! Snow is fine, but ice SUCKS. I took a real dive walking back from the store the other day. The bad leg is not totally responsive yet - still stiff and sore, so my footing is not the best. Hit an ice patch covered with a little snow and WHOOSH - my one bag of groceries went flying straight up into the air, and the torque broke open the new long box of 12 Cokes - it was raining Cokes on me, which then scattered in every direction - a couple even slid into the sewer with a ploink sound. I'm glad you weren't seriously hurt. Ice is tricky to navigate always, but I've found a method that helps me stay upright most of the time. We bought one of those ice breakers, the kind that you drive down into the ice (has a small blade on a long wooden handle), and I have been using that for balance whenever I HAVE to walk on ice. You drive the blade down a little into the ice and then lean on it to go forward, balance, and then pull it up and do it again until you reach your goal. It kinda acts like a crutch of sorts, only keeps you from slipping for the most part. You might want to give that option a try. Nightowl >8#
"To become different from what we are, we must have some awareness of what we are." Eric Hoffer
Post #139,920
2/5/04 12:45:18 AM

Re: Fscking joy
I never fall. It's just my reorganized motion. It's no big deal. If I fall, I fall. It won't hurt the sidewalk.
Post #139,921
2/5/04 12:49:29 AM

I am really not liking the ice and snow
got our garage door jammed up real nice. Good thing I parked my car on the driveway before the ice hit. I got non-slip shoes, but they still slip on the ice. I should have bought cleats or golf shoes or something instead. :)
To replace that Coke, I think Dierberg's has a $4.99USD 24 can case of Coke with a $10 purchase. Check the Ad nearest you: [link||http://www.dierbergs...cials/Ad+List.htm]
The one near me has that as an advertised special.
"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"
Post #139,958
2/5/04 8:43:57 AM

thank god!
Thank god you're all right! Thank god it was Coke and not beer!
Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist.
Post #139,971
2/5/04 10:35:03 AM

No risk of that; they don't HAVE any beer in St Louie.
Post #140,015
2/5/04 1:10:21 PM

I was able to score a bottle of heineken there, once
I do hold an englishman's brothel is his castle , where he should behave accordingly--as many flash tails as he likes , but none of the troop fornications that the orientals and germans indulge in. Its not the indecency I mind , but the company of a lot of boozy brutes hallooing and kicking up a deuce of a row when I want to concentrate and give off my best. A regular bacchanalia is something to see right enough, but I am with the discriminating Frog who said that one is interesting, but only a cad would make a habit of it. Sir Harold Flashman esquire VC OBE
questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Post #140,043
2/5/04 2:24:14 PM

We used to
my grandfather had a license and bought a beer formula to brew. It was a lot better than what passed for local beer. I never drank it, but he told me it had a higher Alcohol content than local beers had. He had a Microbrewery in his basement, died in the early 1980's, my grandmother kept it. When she died my uncle cleaned out the house and sold anything not nailed down. My brother later claimed to have found the formula when he took over the house. It was hidden somewhere.
Should I ever get the chance to run a beer business, I could make real beer like the rest of the world has. One problem, Herr Busch would not like me competing with his company. ;)
"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"
Post #140,008
2/5/04 12:50:23 PM

ice rinks
we had ice last week. People were skating on the road. Front page of the paper had a picture of some people playing street hockey wearing skates. Schools were closed for 2 days. very nasty stuff.
Take care and stay vertical...
Have fun, Carl Forde