Heh. No surprises. Bet few in US ever noticed, though..
3 I attributed to Robertson/Falwell were bin-L.
2 I chose were vice-versa to above.
Had to guess a lot between Foulwell and Robertson; peas in a pod - so about half those were vice versa.
So my net score was 10, but grouping between Murican Fundamentalists VS Wahhabi would be nearer 15. (But in spirit: the missed ones wouldn't have been disavowed by the other speaker, IMhO!)
More Christians ought to check in with these well-funded folk who speak loudest of all - and claim membership as 'Christians'.
In defense of saner Christians - perhaps the vast majority simply pay them no heed (?) Is that wise, when folks speak so often, on 'your' behalf, and you (collectively) make so vanishing-small rebuttal? (In a putative democracy)
Isn't that how Mc Carthy survived so long?
Are sane Christians afraid to debate the lunatic fringe?
Never mind.