Two of us at work are getting them (we have a tax scheme that allows us to buy 1 PC a year & the cost is GST free plus the payments become tax exempt & thus the item ends up costing us just under 60% of its retail (Aussie taxes are murderous for us at our pay levels - 48 damned % - plus we all pay a 10% GST on goods we buy - which means we must be amongst the highest tax people in the world !!!)).

He was about to buy an IPaq but I had advised him that Win2002 based machines were all looks & little practicality. Also the batteries go flat & you keep losing your data. I suggested that a PALM was by far the better buy and cheaper.

He went off & found the SONY PEG-UX50 & showed me the bumpf on it - it looked so impressive that we both decided it had to be the one. But the SONY is dearer than the iPaq he was looking at :-)

Doug M