Reminds me of the famous case of the man with a (non-healing) hole into his stomach.. watched via that most unusual phenom of early "medicos": a truly Observant one, and a good note taker. IIRC this one patient eliminated very many horrifically Bad prior guesstimates. (Except among the huge crowd of the stubborn-medico, as are still with us)
Yeah.. the body is self-healing, given half a chance and protected from a million OTC nostrum$ now pushed as shamelessly as The Old Dope Peddler (Tom Lehrer version).
I too prefer to leave most things that don't involve moving-object trauma to .. the obvious smartest practitioner, one's 'body'. But then, like all generalizations - sometimes the techno-folks' tenuous grasp of what-they-do can save your ass. The art is (as always) deciding how to interpret such standard measurements as sort of gauge the health of your immune system: just now. (Hell, even the efficacy of many of these standard lab 'ranges'.. don't bear up well to many incisive questions, either).
I tend to fall back on the comforting realization: it's all a crap shoot anyway; ain't no PhD-MD-CPA who shall develop a Karma-fix pill. Best to forgive those who know-not-what they do.. Cause they're So Sincere.)
Sounds like you're well on the way to a crotch rocket trajectory --> AZ, eh? Now if the suckers will just pay you a few shekels for some of that Unixlore, to buy the gas. Gawd vulture Capitalism sux; it so appeals to the malignantly-orderly 'mind'. The Econ version of Ashcroft. (Naked spreadsheets must be covered from auditing eyes.)
Ashton Galen Pasteur