I cannot control other people nor do I want to. Their opinions are there own and I have no influence over them. Some of them will twist my words if they have to, twist their own words if they have to, in order to get their opinion based on their bias of me. Ben just did that as an example. Some have a problem with Narcissists, so I become a Narcissist. Some have a problem with Liberals so I become a Liberal. Some have a problem with Conservatives so I become a Conservative. Etc. I know for a fact that the Groupmind here cannot be changed, no use trying to change it.
Nice to see Box at least testify that two of the opinions towards me are wrong, it is a start. Ben never met me, but Box did. Now let us see if Ben admits he could be wrong on those two issues.
"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"