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New Are You a Narcissist?
While I have been accused of being a Narcissist, I recently took a test to see if this was true. I scored a 5 on a scale of 0 to 120, lower being better.

Let's see how it compares to other people, shall we?

You scored 5, on a scale of 0 to 120. Here's how to interpret your score:
0 - 40 \t
Selfless spirit. You don't think much of yourself--literally--and it's probably helped you get along with people and reduce the anxiety in your life. Discuss narcissism with others like you.


"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New I'm joining an isolation tank club
New You lied on the test
Question 4. I know that you should answer "yes" because more than one person on this forum has told you that you fish for compliments. If you answered yes to that and no to everything else, then you would have scored a 10. So you lied on that question. What other questions did you lie on?

Beyond that, it is clear that nobody wants to be a narcissist, and it is clear how to answer each question so that you won't be classified as one. You can pretty much choose the result that you want just by shading the truth a little on a few questions. So the only narcissists that it can identify are fairly self-honest narcissists.

Furthermore the self-reported results of that test could always be fudged. Anyone can claim any result that they want, who would know?

Therefore I consider this claim of yours to have zero value. Except to show that you can't be trusted to report the truth.

"good ideas and bad code build communities, the other three combinations do not"
- [link|http://archives.real-time.com/pipermail/cocoon-devel/2000-October/003023.html|Stefano Mazzocchi]
New I chose what I thought was right
I did not remember someone telling me within a year that I fish for complements, I will retake the test if you wish and answer yes to that. It asked if it was within a year, were those posts made within a year? I have no idea what questions are right or wrong, I should note that it was not all yes/no questions but multiple choice questions as well.

Edit: Oh BTW I just did a search for "fish for complements" and "fishing for complements" on the IZWT forums and only found this current post here I am editing. So if those comments where posted on ezIWETHEY it has been over a year and I answered right. Unless those posts were archived or used different words, they are not showing up in a search on ZIWT. Search for yourself if you do not b
elieve me. You've never believed me anyway in the past mostly, why should you believe me now.

I took the test again and anwsered that question as a yes.

You scored 25, on a scale of 0 to 120. Here's how to interpret your score:
0 - 40
Selfless spirit. You don't think much of yourself--literally--and it's probably helped you get along with people and reduce the anxiety in your life. Discuss narcissism with others like you.

Now I didn't remember my previous answers, but somehow I got more than a 10 point increase. Still a low value. Not sure what I did different, I answered as best I could, I also answered as honestly as I could. If I answered the same except for one question, should I have gotten 15 instead of 25?

To be more accurate it should have like 350 questions to weed out mistakes, and checking the wrong answers like the fishing for compliments one. Quite frankly I may have answered wrong to that one based on my imperfect memory of posts on this forum and how long ago they were posted.

So what did you get on the test?

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

Expand Edited by orion Jan. 20, 2004, 01:13:21 AM EST
New You may not remember, but I do
[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=135420|http://z.iwethey.org...?contentid=135420] shows me saying it (with slightly different words).

If you listen to Ross' rants, you would hear someone else say the same thing. And it is something that I have seen many others say in their own ways. That you're so self-obsessed that you missed it doesn't mean that it didn't happen.

Now let me answer the damned quiz as I would guess would be honest based on the impression that I have of you:
  1. When it comes to my achievements and talents: I exaggerate them. I've never seen you downplay anything. Even though I have no idea what your real achievements and abilities are. (I'm not counting your A in highschool physics as a real achievement - if it is for you, then you're an even sadder man than I thought.)
  2. I fantasize about unlimited success, power, beauty, or ideal love: Sometimes I'm guessing. I'd guess often, but mostly you seem to post about your hopelessness because you lack success, power and beauty. That could be tied to fantasies not as often expressed about how much you'd like to have them though.
  3. Sometimes I feel only special or high-status people can understand me: Yes Be honest, doesn't that come through your whining?
  4. In the past year, more than one person has told me I fish for compliments. I know that this one is true.
  5. When I walk by a mirror in a semi-public place, I: Pause and preen Guessed from your online behaviour here.
  6. I feel indignant when someone's behavior doesn't comply with my expectations: Frequently You react often enough this way in posts that I don't find this a hard one to answer.
  7. When it comes to achieving my goals, I: Occasionally take advantage of others to achieve them, but avoid hurting anyone This is a guess.
  8. When someone expresses sorrow or fear, I: Feel my own mood drop in response to their pain If there was an entry for, "Come up with my own complaints to draw attention back to me" I would have chosen that. This is the closest to that, though it doesn't seem like a good description.
  9. When someone is publicly praised for something I wanted to be involved in, I: Obsess about their success for more than a day, and let it negatively influence my behavior toward them In particular you tend to start another whine-fest to draw attention back to you.
  10. I think other people: Think about me a lot Or at least you try to make them think about you.
  11. My time is: A little more important than most people's, because of certain extenuating circumstances Said circumstances being your sickness.
  12. I have snapped at or ignored service personnel: More times than I should have; at least a few times a year As with many of the questions, I'm extrapolating from your behaviour here.

This set of answers would leave you at 85, which is an egomaniac.

If you really think that this set of answers doesn't fit you, then I'd advise that you give some thought to why this set of answers is the impression that you have left. If anyone not from St. Louis strongly disagrees with my reasoning, I wouldn't mind hearing that. For different reasons, I'm less interested in the St. Louis feedback. (Ross' I'm guessin I know. Norm and Brenda can't readily judge Norm just from the impression that he left online.)

Oh, to answer your question about me, answering fairly honestly. I scored a 25. Here is my answer key: 1-2 2-3 3-1 4-Yes 5-1 6-2 7-1 8-2 9-1 10-1 11-1 12-1


PS It might do you good to look in a dictionary and discover the difference between "compliment" and "complement".
"good ideas and bad code build communities, the other three combinations do not"
- [link|http://archives.real-time.com/pipermail/cocoon-devel/2000-October/003023.html|Stefano Mazzocchi]
New Ive met Norm, he is not a preener
on short aquantance I dont think he is a waiter abuser, the rest sounds about right.
same old crap, con artists ripping off fools. Ah, hell, Catholic Church it start off that way. They All do. Jesus probably had three walnut shells one pea, then he's dead and can't be questioned,
Gabriel Dupre

questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
New At least it is some defence
I hardly ever comb my hair, or straighten out my shirt, so I am not a preener. I do not abuse waiters or waitresses. You noticed these things by meeting me once. As far as the rest, I think it may be dirived from my posts or assumptions about me. In that case, it may not be based on the true me. The only one that met me the most often and knows the most about me here is Nightowl, but of course thanks to the Kangaroo Court here, her opinion on me does not count.

I took a test with my doctor some time ago to see what I had, it had a ton of questions. Narcissism was not one of them that I scored on as having. It did find my paranoia, my depression, etc.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New As a recommendation, then...
...endeavor to post more in line with yourself.

Only you can control the opinions of the folks here.

Even you cannot deny that some of this criticism is indeed deserved...whether due to illness (perceived or real) or any other cause.

My $0.02

If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition

It goes in, it must come out.Teslacle's Deviant to Fudd's Law


New I dissagree
I cannot control other people nor do I want to. Their opinions are there own and I have no influence over them. Some of them will twist my words if they have to, twist their own words if they have to, in order to get their opinion based on their bias of me. Ben just did that as an example. Some have a problem with Narcissists, so I become a Narcissist. Some have a problem with Liberals so I become a Liberal. Some have a problem with Conservatives so I become a Conservative. Etc. I know for a fact that the Groupmind here cannot be changed, no use trying to change it.

Nice to see Box at least testify that two of the opinions towards me are wrong, it is a start. Ben never met me, but Box did. Now let us see if Ben admits he could be wrong on those two issues.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New Making those changes, he scores 70
Upper end of occasional narcissism.

Thanks for the sanity check.

"good ideas and bad code build communities, the other three combinations do not"
- [link|http://archives.real-time.com/pipermail/cocoon-devel/2000-October/003023.html|Stefano Mazzocchi]
New What a difference that makes
I am no longer classified as an Egomaniac then. :)

It seems to be the way the posts are interprited by the observer not the actual behavavior of the person that is causing the misread. They "appear" to be narcissistic, but posts are not the same as the person's behavior and can be misleading. Speaking in the first person may be confused for narcissism, for example. Too many "I"s in a row or something.

At least you admit that your observations could be flawed, and on two issues you were proven wrong. This is a breakthrough of sorts.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New Grasping at small straws are we?
Before proclaiming a breakthrough, go back and look at my old posts. I've generally been careful to admit where I could be wrong, and I'm pretty up front on admitting it when I either don't know something or am wrong. That isn't a change.

In fact the two things that I was corrected on were from a list of decisions where I was frequently saying, "this is a guess". (On one of the ones labelled as wrong I actually said that it was a guess.)

Newsflash. Ben says that he is guessing when he is actually guessing and might be wrong!

Enjoy your amazement,
"good ideas and bad code build communities, the other three combinations do not"
- [link|http://archives.real-time.com/pipermail/cocoon-devel/2000-October/003023.html|Stefano Mazzocchi]
New I get out of it what I can
guesses are not always right. When guesses about me that reflect me in a negative way are proven wrong, it makes me feel better.

I respect your right to an opinion about me, and you can guess as much as you want, but keep in mind that you do not know the real me. You have never met me in person, Box has, so Box was able to figure out two things about me that you were only guessing at that were wrong guesses.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New That is one then
the question asked for more than one. Your fishing for compliments message was not too clear there for me. Of course I do not see getting attention the same thing as fishing for compliments. Besides I did those things over a year ago, so it should not count for the test. You are bringing up old history again and opening up wounds that were closed and now are open again. Won't you ever get over it and move on?

I did a search:

Still found nothing else related to me but recent posts and one by Nightowl about herself. I think I spelled it right this time.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New It's not a good test.
How the answers will influence the outcome is just too obvious.
New Right. Now if one of the questions was
"Did you cheat on any of the answers? Add 20 points per cheat"
you might see some accurate results.
But only if you don't cheat on that one...
never mind...
New 120. But then, I'm better than you lot.
I just wish the scale went past 120, so that you might begin to understand the scale of my egomania.

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
[link|http://guildenstern.dyndns.org|Home Page - Now with added Zing!]
New *chuckle*
New 55. "Occasional" but I disagree.
I think I'm far more narcissistic than it test. It really seems to pull unsure, unconfident narcissists. I'm SURE I'm smarter than most people, so their compliments are meaningless. And I never abuse waitstaff, they can get you back and you don't even know it, that is just plain stupid. My time is more important than most, but not as important as my boss'. I know where I fall on the hierchy. Sure, I'll dwell enviously for a bit, but why bother obsessing, I'm better than them anyway so they are not worse the effort.. And on, and on, and on.

Crappy test.
New LRPD says: Yes, m'lord.

Select [link|http://www.glumbert.com/pictures/Default.asp?index=30|here].
New Heh - new .sig, Ark...?
Yeah, you better put your trust in God if you run a Web site on MS products -- from [link|http://www.glumbert.com/pictures/Default.asp?index=34|http://www.glumbert.com/pictures/Default.asp?index=34]:
Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

Unspecified error

/pictures/Default.asp, line 8

   [link|mailto:MyUserId@MyISP.CountryCode|Christian R. Conrad]
(I live in Finland, and my e-mail in-box is at the Saunalahti company.)
You know you're doing good work when you get flamed by an idiot. -- [link|http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/35/34218.html|Andrew Wittbrodt]
New ObSentientLRPD: Can you stand the excitement?
New Faith-based IT

Select [link|http://www.glumbert.com/pictures/Default.asp?index=30|here].
     Are You a Narcissist? - (orion) - (22)
         I'm joining an isolation tank club -NT - (deSitter)
         You lied on the test - (ben_tilly) - (11)
             I chose what I thought was right - (orion) - (10)
                 You may not remember, but I do - (ben_tilly) - (9)
                     Ive met Norm, he is not a preener - (boxley) - (7)
                         At least it is some defence - (orion) - (2)
                             As a recommendation, then... - (bepatient) - (1)
                                 I dissagree - (orion)
                         Making those changes, he scores 70 - (ben_tilly) - (3)
                             What a difference that makes - (orion) - (2)
                                 Grasping at small straws are we? - (ben_tilly) - (1)
                                     I get out of it what I can - (orion)
                     That is one then - (orion)
         It's not a good test. - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
             Right. Now if one of the questions was - (hnick)
         120. But then, I'm better than you lot. - (pwhysall) - (2)
             *chuckle* -NT - (slugbug)
             55. "Occasional" but I disagree. - (broomberg)
         LRPD says: Yes, m'lord. -NT - (Arkadiy) - (3)
             Heh - new .sig, Ark...? - (CRConrad) - (2)
                 ObSentientLRPD: Can you stand the excitement? -NT - (inthane-chan)
                 Faith-based IT -NT - (Arkadiy)

It’s not just cellphone batteries that drain more quickly in roaming mode.
76 ms