and Circuit City isn't much different either. It seems when you want to buy something, employees are nice to you. When you have to return something, their attitudes are different. My mother-in-law got a wireless keyboard for her iPaq at Best Buy, a clerk told her it would work with her iPaq, but it did not. The model number of the iPaq was not on the supported models of the keyboard. Someone had lied to her or did not know what they were talking about. Went to exchange the keyboard, had a long line. The lady told us to get a new keyboard, but they were all out of PDA keyboards except for one that did not work with her model iPaq. Inventory control problems, PDAs are being phased out of inventory, come back in 3 days maybe we will have more then. We got store credit, and will return later.
Not a very good experience, I at least expected them to find a keyboard that worked and put it on hold for us. So when it comes in, they will call us.