[link|http://radsoft.net/news/roundups/swc/| here]. It ain't even a pale shadow of the Magnum Opus at aaxnet, of course - but every little locus of outrage can only Help. Right?

Think... Billy n'Bally's first Official

December 29, 2003 - ?
It all started dawning on Charlie Demerjian as he stood in the midnight queue for the premiere of Return of the King. The queue was long, and slow, and by the time Charlie had his ticket, his theory was well-formulated and nearly ready for print.
Microsoft had, for the first time anyone could remember, issued a 'flat' quarterly report, with no increased revenues or profits over previous quarters.

Knowing as he did that the Redmond Beast had ample cash flow and deep dark corners to hide excess revenues in - and for just this kind of emergency - it made perfect sense to Charlie that something must be very, very wrong in Mordor.

It's but a snowball right now, thought Charlie, but soon it may pick up momentum, soon it may be unstoppable, soon it may be an avalanche.

The Seattle Weather Channel is an attempt to document this snowball - watching as it hopefully turns into something unstoppable.