Re: Depending on which Christian Sect you belong to
and which sect you married under that may or may not be correct. Most Christian Sects have an obligation to have children, like the Catholics for example. It is a sin for them to use any sort of birth control except the rythm method. I dont know which sect you are with so cant discuss theology on it unless you want to continue in Religion.
I know for a fact that the religion I practice does not require children, at least from the teachings of my old church, it was not ever stated as such. I'm not sure we married under any sect. I had my old preacher come up and perform the service at an entirely different church, but it was still considered a Christian marriage ceremony. So we are not the product of a State marriage.
Again I cannot debate with your theology since I dont know your affiliation and your feelings on remaining childless are your's and valid but again, marriage is a religious act (which was the object of doc's post) and Most normal religions demand children to be reproduced. More fodder for the mill so to speak.
The only title I know for my affiliation was Christian. I belonged to 4th Christian Church. The church I currently attend isn't my exact affiliation, it's Baptist, but I'm there for the time being. My church closed, and the current one is where I've wound up for now for a number of reasons.
I don't choose to debate my theology, because I am dealing with my own issues about it still, and I don't feel that any of you would understand that.
Nightowl >8#
EDIT: P.S.This quote from the thread by Ross (Marriage should be primarily about raising children with one father and one mother.) is the part I was dealing with, nothing else, and my argument is simply that I disagree that marriage should be primarily about children.

Edited by
Jan. 14, 2004, 10:12:21 PM EST
Re: Depending on which Christian Sect you belong to
and which sect you married under that may or may not be correct. Most Christian Sects have an obligation to have children, like the Catholics for example. It is a sin for them to use any sort of birth control except the rythm method. I dont know which sect you are with so cant discuss theology on it unless you want to continue in Religion.
I know for a fact that the religion I practice does not require children, at least from the teachings of my old church, it was not ever stated as such. I'm not sure we married under any sect. I had my old preacher come up and perform the service at an entirely different church, but it was still considered a Christian marriage ceremony. So we are not the product of a State marriage.
Again I cannot debate with your theology since I dont know your affiliation and your feelings on remaining childless are your's and valid but again, marriage is a religious act (which was the object of doc's post) and Most normal religions demand children to be reproduced. More fodder for the mill so to speak.
The only title I know for my affiliation was Christian. I belonged to 4th Christian Church. The church I currently attend isn't my exact affiliation, it's Baptist, but I'm there for the time being. My church closed, and the current one is where I've wound up for now for a number of reasons.
I don't choose to debate my theology, because I am dealing with my own issues about it still, and I don't feel that any of you would understand that.
Nightowl >8#
"It is understanding that gives us an ability to have peace. When we understand the other fellow's viewpoint, and he understands ours, then we can sit down and work out our differences." Harry S. Truman
"Whenever you're in conflict with someone, there is one factor that can make the difference between damaging your relationship and deepening it. That factor is attitude." Timothy Bentley