At least not until I get signed on, and that's the point that's failing.
Exodus | Sign On/Off<enter>
Gives Profile dialog. Choose Default Profile (which is actially the only selection)...Hit OK
"Trying to Connect" (spinney globe).......Disconnected...Reconnect in n seconds (value tends to change from try to try)
(At some point, Exodus stops repeating the futile exercise.)
OK, so I'm on the other end of a proxy. There is a CGI script that configures the proxy for both Insecure Exposer and Mozilla (and, miraculously,the same script works on both browsers!) In the Proxy tab, I have a Type: box with the cryptic choices: None, Version 4, Version 4a, Version 5 and HTTP. Doesn't look like there's a place for my cgi script anywhere...
So how would chatzilla work here...?