- applied universally to the Japanese, in the days when a small town called Usa permitted "Made in USA" fabrications. Applied (by some, still - it seems) re Russkies of all stripes.
A perfect complement to our ingrained xenophobia, of course. Goes with the other One God - Ours.
Alas, there are just enough samples to keep these myths alive.. A Russian synchrotron was patterned after the 3 GeV BNL "Cosmotron": predecessor of the *cough* LBL 6.2 Gev Bevatron (initially proton-only synchrotron accelerator). Seems they had beaucoup vacuum leaks. (I didn't follow the history later).
I never saw any engineering drawings of the Russ machine, but know how intricate were the double gaskets, with individual "pump-outs" for all of the flat or curved SS panels which comprised the vac. tank. Even the surface treatment of that rubber proved to (have been) critical: a special silver coating. Had they omitted even that detail . . .
It's all in the Details. Imagine the heat-treating tricks for just certain parts of the Wright engines. Amazing feat ~ as complex as an accelerator, and as varied disciplines / lore to be grokked.