I got the light-up pen at a fast food restaurant, think it was Wendy's but not sure.
Yep, we got ours from Wendys, so it probably was.
WOW, that's a lot of stuff animals! I've got about 10 stuffed animals, mostly dragons. The youngest nephew, Brandin, likes to gather them all up and sleep with them.
Mine are all over the house, they sit on my computer, my desk, the furniture, the shelves, etc. ;) I even have piles of Turtles and whales on the floor in the living room. Lately I've been buying these put together yourself crates, and making little cubbyholes to put them in. :)
John and I both collect them, and we like the weirder ones best, like our stuffed porcupine and our stuffed Kookburra, for example. :)
Nightowl >8#