I have a nice collection of Marvin stuff. Also in [link|http://www.spiceware.org/cgi-bin/spa.pl?album=./Xmas2003&photo=dcp03389.jpg|that photo] you can see the "Erodium P.U. 36 Explosive Space Disintegrator" on the right side of the desk. The "gun" portion is a pen that's magnetically held to the base. The picture on the wall of the study is one of [link|http://www.wbshop.com/catalog/product.xml?product_id=12071;category_id=2810;pcid1=;pcid2=|these animated pictures]. Sadly, it's in need of repair and only goes "diiink" when activated :( Next to the printer are a couple of etched plastic cutouts that glow via a light in their base.
Kewl! I have the pen that sits in the base and glows when you write with it, (Edit: You seem to have it too!) and a few figurines of him, as well as a stuffed Marvin, and the ones from McDonalds. And a bunch of my pencils are Marvin Pencils. I stocked up on them from Kmart, when they were selling loony toons pencils for 30 cents each. ;)
In [link|http://www.spiceware.org/cgi-bin/spa.pl?album=./Xmas2003&photo=dcp03400.jpg|this photo] of the kitchen you can see the K-9 Cookie Jar next to the fridge. Most of the magnets on the fridge are Marvin, though they're too small to make out.
I also have Marvin magnets all over my fridge! Most of those I made though, I stuck Marvin stickers on large sports schedule magnets and cut them out. I have a Marvin notebook, And I have a glow-in-the-dark Marvin T-shirt too! Plus I have a loony toons Pittsburgh Penguin T-Shirt with Marvin in the midst. :)
The Marvin collection started as an comment to a friend who collects Taz stuff - I idley mentioned that I liked Marvin better than Taz. The following Christmas my Marvin collection began when I received a bunch of Marvin stuff from her, her husband, and all of our mutual friends. Most of the Marvin stuff I received as gifts; the few exceptions are the animated picture, the K9 cookie jar and the cut-outs by the printer.
That's neat! Mine just started because I'm a collector at heart, and I just recently started collecting Marvins, but I don't have very many yet.
I mostly collect just stuffed dragons. Stuffed animals is my biggest collection so far, I have over 1200 of them. ;) I do have a neat Dragon globe music box though, that someone gave me.
Nightowl >8#