Having helped someone file for physical disability, I know the following info:
Have ALL your paperwork, from your birth certificate and SSN card to your hospital info, especially including anything that indicates earnings or money held. (i.e. unemployment, bank statements, etc.) Edit: If you are missing ANYTHING on paper, you have to go home and get it, and get at the END of the line.
Go prepared to stand in a really long line, if you can't stand, (my friend couldn't either), take someone who can stand for you, or bring a folding chair. Believe you me, you'll need it.
It also does not hurt to have a doctor's letter. My friend managed to get one, and it was one of the best pieces of paper he had going for him. If a doctor will certify that you aren't able to work in this condition, you have it made, most likely.
How much you get depends on what you earn, what you have, and other factors. I don't know if anyone can actually tell you that except the DAV.
I took my friend to the DAV Center (I believe that was what it was called), in downtown St. Louis. If you need the address or anything, I can get it in two days when I get home.
Good luck, sorry to hear it's so bad. :( I'm still keeping you in my prayers.
Nightowl >8#