You SSHed into a machine you were setting up.

Reconfigured everything, but for some reason you were at the prompt for the machine you were on and hosed it up instead? So the machine you were setting up was untouched, but the machine you SSHed from was trashed?

Did I get it right?

This is so confusing to follow. :)

I recall in my Unix days as a Federal Contractor that people would "Kill -9" the process that they were logged on as, trying to kill a zombie or runaway program. :) "D'oh I just killed myself!"

#1 Rule, when working on your Unix system to another you are setting up, never log in as Root or Root access on your own system just in case you get the prompts mixed up. That way you cannot mess up your own system as easily.

Don't worry about it, happens to lots of people. Blame it on the holiday mind-set. :)