Post #132,358
12/26/03 2:28:10 AM

Thanks for ruining Christmas, Microsoft.
I've always hated MS' licensing policies. Today they turned ugly. My mother has a desktop and a laptop. I got her all set up with a home network this week, ready to run the desktop headless and just use the laptop for everything, plugging it into the monitor, keyboard, and mouse while it was in the house. Then I found out that the *older desktop* came with Office 2000; the laptop came with Works. Enter the demon that is the MS EULA--I had the privilege of informing her (being people of integrity even when it hurts) that she wasn't licensed to use Office on the laptop, even if she removed it from the desktop.
She cried.
I haven't seen this woman cry in 10 years. She cried because she felt cheated. She cried because she thought she "owned" the software, and could do what she liked with it, at least use it on one and only one machine. She thought she could use Office on the laptop and Works on the desktop, and be within her rights. She cried because she doesn't have hundreds of dollars to throw at Microsoft when switching systems. She cried because she felt we had wasted two days' effort with the networking et al. She cried because she felt trapped.
So I re-re-routed the KVM back to the desktop, and we worked through some of the residual issues of connection sharing (she's still on dial-up, out in the sticks), email, document sharing, etc.
So thanks, Microsoft, for a wonderful evening. You're certainly winning the hearts and minds of the consumer. Mr. Gates, may whatever roast beast you consume this day or any other turn to ashes in your mouth. And all you wonderful OEM's who kowtow to them, get completely and irreparably bent.
Post #132,359
12/26/03 2:32:19 AM

Re: Thanks for ruining Christmas, Microsoft.
And since when does integrity live in a EULA?
You bought it, it's yours, use the sucker any way you damn well please.
Post #132,385
12/26/03 12:06:45 PM

jb4 shrub\ufffdbish (Am., from shrub + rubbish, after the derisive name for America's 43 president; 2003) n. 1. a form of nonsensical political doubletalk wherein the speaker attempts to defend the indefensible by lying, obfuscation, or otherwise misstating that facts; GIBBERISH. 2. any of a collection of utterances from America's putative 43rd president. cf. BULLSHIT
Post #132,367
12/26/03 6:01:23 AM

Unclear whether your sense
of integrity - transcends that of M$ -?- or becomes depreciated to merely a means of submission, via punctilious emotionless application - to the full meaning of the word scam.
Were it my mother..
Post #132,381
12/26/03 9:48:59 AM

Winning the hearts and minds of the consumers...
Honestly, 99% of the people out there would have shrugged and gone on with moving the software... I see that sort of situation no different than making a copy of a CD I own to listen to it in both cars. Yes, the EULA says different. Who cares? Is taking what you own back from a thief stealing?
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #132,393
12/26/03 1:26:56 PM

Just installed Photoshop
And was glad to see that at least Adobe was more sensible. Although they require Activation, the license explicitly stipulates that you can install the software on both the desktop and your laptop.
The MS EULA basically sucks.
Post #132,402
12/26/03 2:59:24 PM

Were one or both OEM?
My understanding is that those are the ones that are tied by the EULA to a particular machine. In return you get a discount on the price of the software. Maybe Office 2000 had more restrictive terms, but my retail copy of Office 2003 Pro has a EULA with the following: 1.1\tInstallation and use. You may: \t(a) install and use a copy of the Software on one personal computer or other device; and \t(b) install an additional copy of the Software on a second, portable device for the exclusive use of the primary user of the first copy of the Software.
2.1\tMandatory Activation. THERE ARE TECHNOLOGICAL MEASURES IN THIS SOFTWARE THAT ARE DESIGNED TO PREVENT UNLICENSED USE OF THE SOFTWARE. You may not be able to exercise your rights to the Software under this EULA after a finite number of product launches unless you activate your copy of the Software in the manner described during the launch sequence. You may also need to reactivate the Software if you modify your computer hardware or alter the Software. Microsoft will use those measures to confirm you have a legally licensed copy of the Software. If you are not using a licensed copy of the Software, you are not allowed to install the Software or future Software updates. Microsoft will not collect any personally identifiable information from your device during this process.
14.\tSOFTWARE TRANSFER. Internal. You may transfer your copy of the Software to a different device. After the transfer, you must completely remove the Software from the former device.
Note that I transfered my previous retail copy of Office XP to a new machine without incident (only had to reactivate). I've been told that MS resets the activation info every 120 days, so as long as you aren't installing the same Office to new machines more often than that (like a sudden 20 installs of the same copy) they don't care so much. If this same EULA was in effect then (and I believe it was), I was OK due to item 14.
-- Chris Altmann
Post #132,404
12/26/03 3:07:52 PM

That is correct.
The OEM version is machine specific and is supposed to retire when the machine is retired. The retail (read "full price") version of Office 2000 and Office XP allows a two machine install if one is portable. Originally it didn't, but customer complaints were so intense Microsoft changed the policy with a month or two.
Post #132,409
12/26/03 4:46:30 PM

Yes, both OEM or there wouldn't be an issue.
Post #132,414
12/26/03 5:46:09 PM

How the MicroGrinch stole Christmas
Not the same, but you could download and burn a CDR of OOo from [link||] and give Microsoft the middle-finger. :)
"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"