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New Audio editing software
What do you use and are willing to recommend?

I've downloaded some .MP3 files of old radio comedy shows. They may have 5 to 10 songs or skits strung together into one file, and from some of them I'd like to "extract" one song/skit from the file. Additionally, once I'm done "extracting", I'll need to convert the file to a .WAV or .CDA file so that I can put it onto CD and play it in my car or on my home stereo system. What software will do that, preferably at a low cost.


"Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times
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New OS?

If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition

It goes in, it must come out.Teslacle's Deviant to Fudd's Law


New Win 98
That's what's on the box I brought with me from home.

"Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times
[link|http://users3.ev1.net/~bconnors/resume.htm|VB/SQL resume]
[link|http://users3.ev1.net/~bconnors/tandem_resume.htm|Tandem resume]
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New I have an older version..
...of [link|http://www.goldwave.com/release.html|this] running on my win98 box. If you download the [link|http://www.jthz.com/~lame/|extra encoding] it will have mp3 support.

If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition

It goes in, it must come out.Teslacle's Deviant to Fudd's Law


New I use CoolEdit from Syntrillium.
They've released a few versions since I bought mine, but it's still a good editor.


Is it enough to love
Is it enough to breathe
Somebody rip my heart out
And leave me here to bleed
Is it enough to die
Somebody save my life
I'd rather be Anything but Ordinary

-- "Anything but Ordinary" by Avril Lavigne.

New Syntrillium is no longer...:-(
Syntrillium no longer owns this; its now an (ugh!) Adobe "product"; Syntrillium itself was devouredbought by Adobe...

I'd recommend CLEAN!. Used to be by Steinberg (of Cubase fame; probably the best music editor for the PC); now owned by Pinnacle. The Steinberg folks wrote the original, but Pinnacle has cleaned up the interface in version 4.

You can get it at [link|http://www.cdw.com/shop/products/default.aspx?EDC=480619|CDW], not too expensive.

I'm using it to archive my ~750 album vinyl collection to CD.

[edit: clarification of relation betw. Adobe and Syntrillium]
shrub\ufffdbish (Am., from shrub + rubbish, after the derisive name for America's 43 president; 2003) n. 1. a form of nonsensical political doubletalk wherein the speaker attempts to defend the indefensible by lying, obfuscation, or otherwise misstating that facts; GIBBERISH. 2. any of a collection of utterances from America's putative 43rd president. cf. BULLSHIT
Expand Edited by jb4 Dec. 26, 2003, 09:40:58 AM EST
New Ooh ... I did not know that.
The other product I should recommend is DC5, though I haven't actually got that. I bought a sound card from the publisher/distributor once and get an occasional newsletter from them. [link|http://www.tracertek.com/|http://www.tracertek.com/]


Is it enough to love
Is it enough to breathe
Somebody rip my heart out
And leave me here to bleed
Is it enough to die
Somebody save my life
I'd rather be Anything but Ordinary

-- "Anything but Ordinary" by Avril Lavigne.

New Santa brought "Magix - Audio Cleaning Lab 2004"
No idea how good it is yet. $40 at [link|http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000092P2X/103-7909969-2912648|Amazon].


     Audio editing software - (lincoln) - (7)
         OS? -NT - (bepatient) - (2)
             Win 98 - (lincoln) - (1)
                 I have an older version.. - (bepatient)
         I use CoolEdit from Syntrillium. - (static) - (2)
             Syntrillium is no longer...:-( - (jb4) - (1)
                 Ooh ... I did not know that. - (static)
         Santa brought "Magix - Audio Cleaning Lab 2004" - (Another Scott)

Grrrr, watch me beat my chest.
52 ms