As the PNAC's newly ordered nukes get added {no doubt quietly} to ordinary US ammo dumps, under the euphemism Bunker Busters -- every small country with a slim chance of lassoing a nasty-enough weapon will be scrambling even harder:

After all, as NK demonstrates for all to see: *ONLY* if'n ya got nukes-or-Damn-Close -- *WILL* the PNAC Cabal temporarily hold off invading (or applying easier but not subtler economic equivalents). THAT is the lesson taught by the Neoconman wackos by their actions to date.

'Course too, guaranteeing this ongoing process will remain in the Ostrich Position {both vulgar and vulnerable}, ie. unnoticed by US meeja Corps:

Hey.. no buncha slope-heads could match the tactical skill of the Murican Military.. nothin to see here, move on,

I note that another local National Guard outfit's being called up; haven't checked just how rife is this calling-up.. Anyone else expect to see The Draft dusted off soon -?- this is a machine which demands fodder:

Next.. we can promote all those new "Privates" to Centurions - then everyone gets one o' those brush-top helmets like Doonesbury's a usin to represent the Voice of Shrub.

Dontcha just Love watchin car crashes in slo-mo ?