Kuwait was/is a babylonian province for about the last 6 thousand years until 1945 or so. Saddam was entitled to require Kuwait to return. He invaded Iran at the request of the United States. Those were the only two wars he started.
Yes, security over freedom is certainly communist. Stat Uber Alles
This system is good with checks, balances and a constitution with the bill of rights. However the executive arm of the federal government of this administration is declaring the bill of rights to be void because of terrorism, then readily admits to using these usurpations to attack non terrorist targets . The current administration is attempting to turn our constitution into meaningless pap just like the one the USSR had. Every step is to make the state, not the individual formost and selling the federal estate's powers to the highest bidder. Just like Brechnev's apparatchiks did in the seventies. The people in charge of this Rove, Wolfowitz etc do not deny that they were communists at one time. I simply assert that the past tense doesnt apply as their actions speak loudly as to their aims. The tenets of the Communist International are what they are bringing into being here in america.