Don't know what came over me. Brain Fart big-time! 1967. Hell, I knew that - dunno what I was thinking.
Of course, to be totally honest, I've only been saying that since 1992 (the year I became a hockey fan ;-)
I watched the NBA religiously all the way through high school (class of 77) and golf. Mostly because I played basketball in high school and golf in high school and college. I hadn't watched any sports until 1992 when I got hooked on the playoffs - even got one Uncle hooked so bad that the next year when he moved to Boston he somehow managed season tickets.
I don't watch much tv, but if there's a hockey game on I don't respond to human interaction until the end of the game. Everything else seems like its in slow motion.
Java, Junk. Both start with a "J", both have four letters. Coincidence? I think not.