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New but you are the left , follower of the hammer and sickle,
whatever pap of the month fed to you by your blessed commie leaders, wolfie rove and ilk say you joyeously nod your head in agreement. Meanwhile the constitution of this land which has kept us free for so long is being eroded at a pace that would have Kruschev jacking off in his grave.
"We must face the fact that there is not a single country in the world that measures up to the lofty moral and social standards that are the hallmark of the U.S.A.: even Canada is delinquent and deserves a whiff of grape. There is not a single country in the world which, like the U.S., reeks of democracy and "human rights," and is free of crime and murder and hate thoughts and undemocratic deeds\ufffd. And so, since no other countries shape up to U.S. standards, \ufffd I make a Modest Proposal for the only possible consistent and coherent foreign policy: the U.S. must, very soon, Invade the Entire World!" Murray N. Rothbard

questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
New 'zacly
..and announcing their moral superiority at every turn, and their plans to export it to everyone in sight, at tank-point if need be.

I call him a radical collectivist based on his statements - YOU actually produce the hard evidence.

New This is just gradeschool agit-prop Mark I
This one's on pure Roveowitz hash: whatever next rationale for the lies about 'imminent danger' as started this PNAC scheduled National Honorcide -- it /erases previous /absorbs new, daily; much as the tanner's skin yellows over daily exposure.

A one / or a composite-bot need claim only once: to be the possessor of Objective Morality, for every subsequent utterance to be decoded, its cut&paste origins sniffed out.

Every invader has a set of spiels; one for mom&pop and little Timmy, at home; another for the "wonderful beneficiaries of the invader's pursang Holy Motives, in freeing them from [whatever was unlike the Invader's own pre-invasion fantasy]". Always.

(Of course, with an expanded vocabulary - comes the ability to be irrelevant and vicious in multiple new cut&paste ways; perhaps incessantly, as the conceit, self-congratulation looks so much like wisdom ... in the mirror.)

Wanna see the model for Certainty? late-night Tee Vee preachers: they Know what God Wants >You< to Do cha cha cha (they never understood Any of those 'passages' .. especially about Judgments and judgment. Unnecessary - sell fear / raise $)

My Gramma: prescient blueprint for the Nintendo-Eloi du jour. What a legacy.



(Personally, re this anonymous fear-filled nonentity: I tend to imagine one of those Lee H Oswald supercilious churlish smirks on its 'face'. Waste of energy, Box. Could get cooties from an illusion!)
New could be an optical illusion
...or merely my diseased imagination, but it seems to me that the fedora'd one's last few posts are running a little less loathsome in tone—I do not suggest that the premises are any more persuasive—than usual. If it's not a statistical fluke this might, as intimated previously, be a pharmaceutical phenomenon, but on the admittedly remote chance that some grudging attempt at reduced incivility is being essayed...well, I'd incline to withhold ripostes, however merited, until we can descry a trend or no.

Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist.
New Re: could be an optical illusion
He used to be just one of the guys who happened to lean right - I assume he flipped out after 9/11 (I was away for a long time before and after 9/11 so I can't say when).

The sad truth is, this is how fascism gets organized - when leaners break and give in to their collectivist yearnings.

New Anything's possible
Periodically -over lengthy interval- I've seen a few civil and even interesting arguments; still, when replied to in like vein; disconnect. Habit, perhaps?

However goes it - ya can't have a dialogue with a Rotweiler. WTF.. we be such an urbane bunch here, why - - maybe we could invite Phyllis Schlafly to present a piece. For discussion. Maybe even with the Lovely Ann C. for moral support?

(Pity you missed the early daze at Info [Hah] World, when it was possible to er cross-examine the occasional shill-M$-Columnist in "Forum" ... excoriate The Editor over such pabulum as, NT is the Wa(i)ve of the Future! and otherwise, be at play in the fields of the Lured.

Oh well,

     Democrats are big spenders? - (lincoln) - (11)
         Quality of reporting on the bill - (deSitter) - (1)
             I'd like to rebut that; - (Ashton)
         Oh, so now results matter? - (marlowe) - (8)
             Proof of your vacuity - (deSitter) - (1)
                 Yes, proof of your vacuity indeed. - (marlowe)
             but you are the left , follower of the hammer and sickle, - (boxley) - (5)
                 'zacly - (deSitter)
                 This is just gradeschool agit-prop Mark I - (Ashton) - (3)
                     could be an optical illusion - (rcareaga) - (2)
                         Re: could be an optical illusion - (deSitter)
                         Anything's possible - (Ashton)

Like when you're stuck in a traffic jam for an hour only to learn that the root cause was somebody on the roadside losing a piece of their McGriddle between their plump thighs.
72 ms