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New Re: I agree it is nuts
So now you can file a class action lawsuit with certain proof of a pattern of tortious behavior, have at them!

Of course it's all nonsense, and you don't really believe it down below all the defenses you've set up for yourself. If you REALLY feel wronged, you will take action. For example - if I lose my leg, the hospital will pay dearly.
New The problem is
they have the best lawyers in town, and if I do sue them I'll be needing the best lawyers in town besides them and will pay through the nose for them. If I lose, I'll get stuck with a big legal bill. If I win, a large chunk of it goes to the lawyers that respesent me.

Besides all evidence that I had on them got destroyed the day I was escourted out of the building. I foolishly left in at work in my files. So all I have is my word, and hopefully anything they didn't destroy or cover up yet at their workplace that could possibly be used as evidence. When I talked to lawyers about it, as soon as I mentioned the law firm I worked with, they lost interest in the case. They do network with other local lawyers.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

     Abercrombie ex-bosses: Pretty workers favored - (lincoln) - (24)
         I've seen this before - (orion) - (21)
             Ummm - (Ashton) - (20)
                 No Jag in cubical - (orion) - (19)
                     Point. Missed.___ I should realize... -NT - (Ashton) - (1)
                         Point not valid - (orion)
                     Feeling a tad self-important, Norm? - (rcareaga) - (16)
                         Kewl! That's from the Onion! - (Nightowl)
                         Quite the opposite, a tad unimportant - (orion) - (14)
                             Re: Quite the opposite, a tad unimportant - (deSitter) - (13)
                                 If only you had worked with me, you would have agreed. - (orion) - (6)
                                     Re: If only you had worked with me, you would have agreed. - (deSitter) - (5)
                                         It does happen. - (Nightowl)
                                         And as an aside... - (Nightowl)
                                         I agree it is nuts - (orion) - (2)
                                             Re: I agree it is nuts - (deSitter) - (1)
                                                 The problem is - (orion)
                                 Ask Broom - (Arkadiy) - (5)
                                     Re: Ask Broom - (deSitter) - (4)
                                         Not if they want to claim - (orion) - (3)
                                             The University wasn't that smart with me... - (Nightowl)
                                             Wrongful Termination Lawsuits - (deSitter) - (1)
                                                 That is the problem - (orion)
         Guilty here - (deSitter)
         In other news: pretty hookers get more clients. - (Arkadiy)

Fire up all the primary engines.
49 ms