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New Quality of reporting on the bill

As you see, the message is - help for seniors! Go Bush!

No mention of any of the hated aspects of the bill among right and left alike.

The reason we are flaming out is the abrogation of responsibility by media, and the failure of Congress to ensure open, even-handed media by restricting the rights of media conglomerates. There is no amount of voting or stumping or campaigning that will help when it is impossible to get balanced, accurate information. That is why there is no labor policy, no immigration policy, no health-care policy, and why we are 1 event from permanent martial law and explicitly militaristic rule.

Go to the Post-Dispatch (stltoday.com) and read about the cozy relationship between Boeing and the government - all this while Airbus is kicking the shit out of American aerospace. Ask yourself if Eisenhower had it right. Ask yourself if feminism and PC has not destroyed the American mind. Ask yourself if a country that can't add or find Arizona can live free.

It is late late in the day at this point to do anything about it. This is the consequence of having a fat, stupid, lazy, and self-indulgently ignorant population. In a real sense, we deserve to fail, and the sooner the better.

New I'd like to rebut that;
Unfortunately - it's understated a tad.

Thank Cthulhu for the occasional Molly; the despair is, however - intensified when the stark Reasons for it are set out so well. Note last line of this column
It has been apparent for some time that much of the corporate elite in this country is blinded by greed, not just to long-term interests, but to simple honesty. I think the same thing is starting to happen to our political leaders.
Read more in the Molly Ivins archive.
Of course that "starting to become.." is a generous understatemnt.

Nope, don't see ANY way out of evading what is coming. As you say - when the vast majority of media are as gutless (or outright corrupt) as we see them to be - who's gonna listen / and how!? to the few counter voices: clearly they aren't 'popular opinion' so - how could they be any good?

Sorry your kitty is disappearing; hope you find *something* to start refilling it. I feel that the US is a Lousy place to be, in any hard times as are a-comin. Look at the utter unimaginateness of a Hoover - throughout the last depression. A repo through and through + no-imagination. (No idea if the '03 Brits could match the wonderful solidarity of the Blitz -?- but I'd far rather hang-out in That Country in any rough times - than this one) ..the worse becomes the daily fallout from our institutionalized avian-like insouciance.

(I Can) Imagine! how much more deconstruction can still occur in just the ONE INTERMINABLE.. YEAR we have left, in the hands of this collection of formerly-rejected psychopaths, a sittin around and mutterin for a decade, as they flung pure invented shit at Clinton, every day / a dozen of My Grammas running on Pure Hate.. Imagine.
     Democrats are big spenders? - (lincoln) - (11)
         Quality of reporting on the bill - (deSitter) - (1)
             I'd like to rebut that; - (Ashton)
         Oh, so now results matter? - (marlowe) - (8)
             Proof of your vacuity - (deSitter) - (1)
                 Yes, proof of your vacuity indeed. - (marlowe)
             but you are the left , follower of the hammer and sickle, - (boxley) - (5)
                 'zacly - (deSitter)
                 This is just gradeschool agit-prop Mark I - (Ashton) - (3)
                     could be an optical illusion - (rcareaga) - (2)
                         Re: could be an optical illusion - (deSitter)
                         Anything's possible - (Ashton)

You should be skinned and fed to tassies for intercoursing with those devils.
39 ms