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New Quite the opposite, a tad unimportant
because I wasn't kept around like the other coworkers were. There is a lot of favoritism and discrimination in the workplace, or at least in the last few I have been in. I wasn't important enough to be kept, because I didn't brown nose, I didn't pretty myself up and buy a Sports Car, I didn't hang out with the bosses at "Happy Hour", and certainly I didn't turn my head when an executive did unethical things. I feel that these are big issues in the workplace that need to be fixed. There are lots more, but why bother listing them?

Of course I feel I am not so important, I am just another bum collecting Social Security Disability. I was made this way by the stress put on me from my former jobs, after the stress is gone I am feeling a lot better and recovering. Still not sure if I can handle another job, but I am going to college to see if I can complete a degree.

Worst place I ever worked in was that law firm. Tons of things going on that I am better off forgetting about. I am still trying to get the stains off my soul from working there. I didn't attend their debauchery parties where they hired a hooker and brought in drugs, so I became very unpopular.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New Re: Quite the opposite, a tad unimportant
Norm, this is the naricissism I keep pointing out - by inverting things it is possible to live with an unpleasant situation rather than facing up to it. These people at the law firm were almost certainly just average, harmless people doing their jobs. Yes, there are pernicious, mean-spirited bosses, but not everyone is a boss, and not all bosses are pernicious, or even stupid (yes, the non-stupid ones are harder and harder to find, because bosses also have bosses, and the stupid are more easily controlled than the shrewd).

The statements you made in the earlier post point out clearly how important you think you are.

And you aren't disabled - face it. You just need to forget about "you" for a while. The longer you insist on labeling yourself as "disabled", the more you will begin to fit the pattern you made for yourself. Try being truly unimportant. And don't let doctors pump you full of drugs. That "devalues" you - you can be unimportant and valuable at the same time.

New If only you had worked with me, you would have agreed.
I don't think any of them were "stupid" they knew exactly what they were doing and why they were doing it. It was planned out, and we lost 30 IT people in 4 years with a staff of 35 people. Now what does that tell you? Like the 30 others, they did what they could to get rid of me. My task list jumped from 35 tasks to 126 tasks in less than a month. The time I had to complete tasks got changed from months to weeks. I had over 3 years of good reviews, and then all of a sudden a bad one with "Anonymous" sources saying bad things about me and no evidence was presented to me about those bad things. It was all heresay, and I asked for evidence several times. I even asked for a copy of the review, and I was denied. Before I had gotten a copy of the review.

I don't think I am important, just someone they had to get rid of any way possible. They knew about my stress illness and used it against me as best they could. They did what they could to get me to quit, and when I would not quit they created bogus evidence to get rid of me. They turned coworkers against me, as they would no longer offer help or even go to lunch with me anymore.

I tell you this, without the medication there is a noticable differece in my behavior and mental state. I've tried going without it, and some nights I forget to take it and end up staying awake until 3 or 4 am and then notice I didn't take it and I take it then. I keep a pill box and if I don't take it, they are in the pill box.

Right now there is nothing important about me, or anything of value, save maybe being a husband and a father. Everything else I seem to mess up with, maybe you can tell by my posts the mistakes I've made and the mental state my mind is in?

I've tried writing my own programs, and I am having difficulty with that. If I cannot do it on my free-time, how am I supposed to do it for work? I'll end up losing every job that I get. My doctors know this, and they know that my current medical state prevents me from holding a job. Even if I wanted to go back to work, I'd have to get my doctor to release me from the medical leave. Hard to convince him of that, I tried, and he ordered me to stay out of work. That I was not ready yet.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New Re: If only you had worked with me, you would have agreed.
Norm that is nuts!

No company is going to risk its operation by flooding you with tasks just to fire you for not doing them - can't you see that's just crazy? They just fire your ass and that is that! Criminy, they're lawyers! They aren't going to waste a second indulging in some stupid game to get you fired! THE DAMN GARBAGE COMPANY wouldn't do that! "They got me fired by making me pick up twice as much garbage as the other guys." Would you believe that if someone told you that?

As for not being able to accomplish tasks - no wonder! Your every thought is filled with YOU YOU YOU, you have no brainspace left to think about anything that is not immediately connected to YOU YOU YOU. And your head is filled with powerful psychoactive drugs that make resistance to self-defeating, self-obsessive thought impossible! The cognitive parts of your nervous system that are still working are constantly battling the destructive effects of the drugs. It must be exhausting! The thing is, that is NOT YOU - it is some imaginary thing you invented to avoid dealing with the real world because it is easier that way. You can't be YOU until you forget about THAT PERSON YOU INVENTED. I don't give a flying frick what some stupid therapist says - I've told you over and over those people will fsck with your mind until you are a vegetable - have you improved one bit? NO! You are right back where you started.

If you WANT to get better why don't to try taking my advice for once? If I didn't give a shit I'd just ignore you. You have to WORK AT IT.
New It does happen.
Norm that is nuts!

No company is going to risk its operation by flooding you with tasks just to fire you for not doing them - can't you see that's just crazy? They just fire your ass and that is that! Criminy, they're lawyers! They aren't going to waste a second indulging in some stupid game to get you fired! THE DAMN GARBAGE COMPANY wouldn't do that! "They got me fired by making me pick up twice as much garbage as the other guys." Would you believe that if someone told you that?

I have to disagree here. The University I fought against did just that, except instead of flooding me with tasks, they kept changing them, hiding my stuff, you name it. They told me for example to put all the flyers on the bulletin board. Then ten minutes later, put half on the door then 20 minutes later put all on the door.

They told me to type something but ordered me not to use the typewriter or leave the office to find another one, and numerous other things I won't recount here (which will make you all happy. ;) )

I was in a grievance process with them when some of this was going on, and they STILL did it, up to lying to the hearing board, which allowed me to keep my job until they drove me to a panic attack after 9 months of it. Maybe they knew I couldn't afford a lawyer, all I know is they deliberately tried to cause a panic attack, and finally ultimately, succeeded, and THEN fired me.

Nuff said there.

Nightowl >8#

Edit: deleted remaining part I didn't want.
2nd Edit: Just want to add, that I couldn't hardly believe it WAS happening, but it was.

"The difference between being immature and child-like is that one is what you are, and one is what you choose to be."

Comment by Nightowl {O,O}
Expand Edited by Nightowl Dec. 8, 2003, 03:43:16 PM EST
Expand Edited by Nightowl Dec. 8, 2003, 03:47:05 PM EST
New And as an aside...
Please don't tell Norman not to take his medication ok? I live CLOSER to him than you, and I feel a lot better now that he's a lot better.

No offense Norman, just don't want a repeat of last year at about this time. ;)

Nightowl >8#
"The difference between being immature and child-like is that one is what you are, and one is what you choose to be."

Comment by Nightowl {O,O}
Expand Edited by Nightowl Dec. 8, 2003, 03:44:38 PM EST
New I agree it is nuts
and they did this to 30 people prior to me. I should have seen it coming, but I was too busy trying to keep my job to notice.

Those that didn't quit got railroaded, accused of all kinds of stuff, mostly someone else's word against theirs.

So it really wasn't an attack against me, per se, just standard operating procedures to get rid of an unwanted employee.

The extra work they claimed was because I was there for over 3 years and they claimed I should be doing more work than I had to live up to my potential. One of the dings against me was I did not live up to my potential. One way to ensure that was that they kept changing things around everytime I got close to finish something. I was constantly monitored and they knew when to hit me with a change.

I have improved, my blood pressure and weight problem have gotten better. My stomach doesn't hurt as much anymore. Mostly psychosumatic and related to the level of stress that I had. I am not suicidal anymore, and the paranoia has gotten better. Not 100% improvements, but enough to say I am making some improvements.

I went without medicine before, Nightowl knows the outcome of that. I do not want to go down that road again.

Only one talking about me too much is you. I tried going without medication, and in fact the hospital lost my doctor's orders and I went without it and I suffered so much because of it.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New Re: I agree it is nuts
So now you can file a class action lawsuit with certain proof of a pattern of tortious behavior, have at them!

Of course it's all nonsense, and you don't really believe it down below all the defenses you've set up for yourself. If you REALLY feel wronged, you will take action. For example - if I lose my leg, the hospital will pay dearly.
New The problem is
they have the best lawyers in town, and if I do sue them I'll be needing the best lawyers in town besides them and will pay through the nose for them. If I lose, I'll get stuck with a big legal bill. If I win, a large chunk of it goes to the lawyers that respesent me.

Besides all evidence that I had on them got destroyed the day I was escourted out of the building. I foolishly left in at work in my files. So all I have is my word, and hopefully anything they didn't destroy or cover up yet at their workplace that could possibly be used as evidence. When I talked to lawyers about it, as soon as I mentioned the law firm I worked with, they lost interest in the case. They do network with other local lawyers.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New Ask Broom
He stated repeatedly that it takes 6 months to fire somebody. What do you think is done over 6 month? Evidence of incompetence is cpllected, so the the person fired cannot sue for wrongful termination.

"There's nothing more nervous than a million dollars. It does not speak French, it does not speak English, it does not speak German and it moves very fast."

-- Jean Chretien
New Re: Ask Broom
And you think it is possible that they would leave a trail of number of assigned tasks per time frame to do this? I don't buy it. More likely, the target's responsibilities would be reduced until all they had left was a stapler and a desk by the post.
New Not if they want to claim
the person in question wasn't living up to their potential. If they reduce the responsibilities, it will be seen that they are planning on getting rid of them. So they heat up the pot so to speak.

One thing that I did notice was that the new tasks require me to do things like document someone else's code, create a map of the Intranet, document all my programs, fix someone else's code, etc. They had plans to get rid of me and wanted everything documented so someone else could take over for me.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New The University wasn't that smart with me...
They didn't groom anyone to take over, and thus when I was gone, well, let's just say it got pretty hectic for awhile there. hehee.

Nightowl >8#
"The difference between being immature and child-like is that one is what you are, and one is what you choose to be."

Comment by Nightowl {O,O}
New Wrongful Termination Lawsuits
This is California, which I'm certain is more in favor of plaintiffs than is Missouri:


There are three types of case:

1. Contract cases
2. Public policy cases: retaliation and discrimination
3. Independent torts

Yours could not have been 1 or 2. It would necessarily have been a "tort" case, You'd have to prove that the company did this and that to aggrieve you, in addition to firing you. So - I am supposed to believe the company actually WOULD go to great lengths and actually COMMIT tortius actions, leaving a wide trail, when they could simply fire you for non-performance and be nearly certain of winning in court?

And if you honestly believe this is what happened, then sue them! You have a 45% chance of winning a tort case in California. It must be somewhat lower here, but you have evidence, no? And all you have to do is get to a jury. Maybe they'll settle.
New That is the problem
any evidence I had was left at work. They most likely destroyed it by now.

Remember that they "lost" my doctors' notes so my sick days counted against me. They know how to "lose" something really quick. They also know how to fabricate evidence. Just like piranha, coworkers will attack someone that management goes against just to score points with management. All of a sudden people I never heard of before or even have seen or communicated with were filing reports on me. Anything to file bad stuff to get a bad review on me, and then they can use the review, that I signed out of protest on, in court as evidence that I was a bad employee. So if I do sue it will be my word, aginst the words of a number of employees there that signed papers saying who knows what against me. They never showed the reports to me, just told me about them. I asked to see them and they denied me to see them. I am sure that since I left they have fabricated more documentation on me just in case I do decide to sue. All in my HR file, which should have it's own file cabinate or box by now.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

     Abercrombie ex-bosses: Pretty workers favored - (lincoln) - (24)
         I've seen this before - (orion) - (21)
             Ummm - (Ashton) - (20)
                 No Jag in cubical - (orion) - (19)
                     Point. Missed.___ I should realize... -NT - (Ashton) - (1)
                         Point not valid - (orion)
                     Feeling a tad self-important, Norm? - (rcareaga) - (16)
                         Kewl! That's from the Onion! - (Nightowl)
                         Quite the opposite, a tad unimportant - (orion) - (14)
                             Re: Quite the opposite, a tad unimportant - (deSitter) - (13)
                                 If only you had worked with me, you would have agreed. - (orion) - (6)
                                     Re: If only you had worked with me, you would have agreed. - (deSitter) - (5)
                                         It does happen. - (Nightowl)
                                         And as an aside... - (Nightowl)
                                         I agree it is nuts - (orion) - (2)
                                             Re: I agree it is nuts - (deSitter) - (1)
                                                 The problem is - (orion)
                                 Ask Broom - (Arkadiy) - (5)
                                     Re: Ask Broom - (deSitter) - (4)
                                         Not if they want to claim - (orion) - (3)
                                             The University wasn't that smart with me... - (Nightowl)
                                             Wrongful Termination Lawsuits - (deSitter) - (1)
                                                 That is the problem - (orion)
         Guilty here - (deSitter)
         In other news: pretty hookers get more clients. - (Arkadiy)


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