You've got a lot of things to be cheerful about.

1) You bring joy to peoples' lives through your music.
2) Your scientific work is being published.
3) You have free time to pursue what interests you and enough money to live on right now.

Yes, things are tough for you in other ways. Your DVT is a difficult problem now, especially since you don't have insurance. But you should be able to get treatment somewhere. Does a local medical school have a walk-in clinic?

Hang in there. Keep plugging away. Remember - you only need one job. You've got a lot to offer in the right position. You just need to find it. Don't rule out anything too soon. Apply for the things mentioned here. Even if they don't work out, it may lead to something else. Network and all that...

Go play your piano and stop being in a foul mood. It's not helping.

Have a good weekend.
