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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New DON'T DO that!!!
You scared the CRAP outta me...

YOU leaving! AHHHH!
[link|http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry|REMEMBER ED CURRY!] @ iwethey

[insert witty saying here]
New Re: DON'T DO that!!!
Ditto that! I wondered for a minute. And normally I don't read this forum, but I was wondering if there was any discussion in here about the adorable Lizard Linux version. ;)

Nightowl >8#
"The difference between being immature and child-like is that one is what you are, and one is what you choose to be."

Comment by Nightowl {O,O}
New sorry, didn't mean to upset your coffee
this isn't the water cooler after all... :-)
Have fun,
Carl Forde
     ADIOS - (cforde) - (3)
         DON'T DO that!!! - (folkert) - (2)
             Re: DON'T DO that!!! - (Nightowl)
             sorry, didn't mean to upset your coffee - (cforde)

Finito, bay-bee...
41 ms