So we allegedly had several years... and no way of knowing.
I for one am glad we didn't take that chance. Particularly since we don't even know *your* sources have got it right. Two things we know for a fact: 1. Saddam was actively pursuing WMDs. 2. In Ba'athist Iraq, pretty much everybody lied to everybody else.
But, wait a minute... Does this include dirty bombs? Aren't they supposed to be much easier to make? We know he had all the ingredients for that, including the delivery system, because... [link|http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/World/Iraq/2003/06/05/104390-ap.html|we actually found the stuff.]
I think it's safe to say he was six months away from a dirty bomb. And it's not at all farfetched - even now - that he was six months way from an A-bomb.
"If I may be candid for a moment, and let's see you try to stop me..." - Jay Conrad Levinson
Compromise is for suckers. Seeking a middle ground is what led to 9/11.
"I do not want to be admired by scumbags and liars and wife beaters. I want to be admired by good and decent, intelligent and just people, and in order to achieve this I need to do things that make me despised by their opposites." - Bill Whittle
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?

Edited by
Dec. 2, 2003, 10:09:33 AM EST