Post #12,839
10/11/01 1:19:13 AM

I'll stick with Linux myself
KDE and Gnome appear to do me fine for a GUI. I've never used OSX yet, but from what I have seen it does not appear to be that impresive.
Out of couriosity I almost bought a Grape iMac, but the owner of that iMac kept raising the price of it until I was not able to afford it. I instead used the money to upgrade my PC Systems.
I don't really think that it is worth the cost of buying a Mac, and I hope that one day they port it to the WINTEL Platform and make the whole OS 100% Open Source and not just part of it.
Just my 2 cents.
Picking up the pieces of my broken life.
Post #12,857
10/11/01 7:29:15 AM

Never happen
"...don't really think that it is worth the cost of buying a Mac, and I hope that one day they port it to the WINTEL Platform and make the whole OS 100% Open Source and not just part of it..."
The *whole point* of OS X is that it runs on Apple hardware.
Apple porting OS X to x86 would be their last move. There's no money in software, unless you're Microsoft.
Peter Shill For Hire [link||There is no K5 Cabal]
Post #12,991
10/11/01 4:47:34 PM

Yes I suppose that is the whole point, they want to limit it to Macintosh hardware. Darwin is there to appease those who want OSX on WINTEL, just run the skeleton of OSX named Darwin sans the fancy GUI and other stuff.
But should I run Darwin over Linux? What can Darwin give me that Linux cannot?
Will the Mac Clones ever come back? :)
Picking up the pieces of my broken life.
Post #13,043
10/11/01 7:11:16 PM

Well, if you want "Darwin"
You might as well run a *BSD. For general desktop use, I'd recommend FreeBSD.
Peter Shill For Hire [link||There is no K5 Cabal]
Post #13,205
10/12/01 9:31:49 PM

Re: Well, if you want "Darwin"
Ah but what is the avantage of running Darwin if any? A modified MACH Kernel? Elite Modifications that can make the PC do backflips? A nice little Apple Logo in the X-Application windows? ;)
What would make me want to run "Darwin" over Linux or *BSD?
Can I run Darwin on a 486 or a 80Mhz 6X86 Cyrix box?
Picking up the pieces of my broken life.
Post #13,419
10/15/01 4:59:55 PM

Which is why it will fail.
Which is too bad. I'd like to see it, personally.
But the point is that it takes cash to Apple to run it. I think there might be a market in the x86 world, if it rocks as hard as people say it does.
The hardware is slightly secondary - but you're right. Apple's so fixated on selling hardware (second only to screwing over those with memory -not RAM - problems :)) that they'll never port it.
Post #13,476
10/15/01 11:34:17 PM

Same thing happened with Be
Gassee thought he could sneak a desktop OS (a rocking one, if memory serves me correctly) into Gate's playground. He got creamed.
Frankly, at this point any commercial vendor would be nuts to port a desktop OS to x86 hardware. (Linux doesn't count, as it isn't a single commercial entity and falls outside of the usual MS competitive gunsights.)
Tom Sinclair Speaker-to-Suits
Post #13,487
10/16/01 1:17:04 AM

He didn't get creamed
He got a Palm job.
/me ducks
-- Karsten M. Self [link||] What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?
Post #13,684
10/16/01 9:35:05 PM

Thanks for comic *relief*.
Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. -- Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
Post #14,485
10/21/01 9:29:30 PM

Same thing happened with NeXT
Remember the Intel version of NeXTStep? Even SCO Unix outsold it. ;)
The only X86 OS that has a prayer of beating MS is Linux, after that maybe *BSD. But Linux seems to be more popular.
P.S. I tried to download the 280M Darwin ISO image but I cannot get a complete download. Apple requires you to register with their "database" so that you comply with their open source license. Isn't this just a way to get a list of "potential" customers?
Picking up the pieces of my broken life.
Post #16,746
11/5/01 8:46:54 PM

Re: Reg
>Isn't this just a way to get a list of "potential" customers?
Nah, they don't do much of anything with the info except send you the weekly developer newsletter email. Just fill it in.
Post #16,958
11/6/01 4:34:37 PM

At least, not yet
but if they do anything more than the ocuasional newsletter, then they are no better than the rest of the companies.
Picking up the pieces of my broken life.