the chronology indeed explains why the onus has been placed, somewhat excessively by the Defining Doctor, upon Patriots - to absorb within their miniscule authentic ranks.. the hate-filled dispossessed as if.. one of their own. Regards to Mr. Lukacs; I shall attempt to correct my own usage apropos. Esp. as regards the Nintendo-Eloi we seem to be manufacturing on the same assembly line as CPU-like minds.
The second aspect - the bestowing of 'love' upon a few carefully selected worthies (while a one remains unlovable throughout) - might shed some light on the popularity of the homogenizing blanket of Mass Hatred\ufffd; clearly the latter was what animated My Gramma and all who sail in her. Their shared calumnious language and general scurrility towards all others - appears shared by another traditional icon, "the drunken sailor". And the Puritan, of course. (Put those together: US Congress in a nutshell? But I digress.)
Risible, these Might-is-Right mutants - in the same way as the scowling Donald Duck ever was! hilarious - were it not so true that, mobs of haters have proven ever destructive of anything wiser, whether 'twas Socrates, Hypatia or Queers within their gunsights.
(If a country promoting regular goose-stepping over walking, ever survived more than a handful of years -?- would their spread be self-limiting due to irreversible spinal/pelvic damage.)
Alas, one never can "explain" what love might be about, to the hater (odds are also not improved by the impossibility of ever explaining it.. let alone selling it.)