[link|http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/s1000093.htm|A move to gain Robert Fisks's sympathy, perhaps?]


A bomb has exploded outside the headquarters of a party that opposed the downfall of Georgia's former president Eduard Shevardnadze, but no one has reportedly been injured in the attack.

"Today, at 5:30 in the morning (0130 GMT), a car stopped near our building. As soon the car pulled out, an explosion went off," said Gela Daneliya, one the leaders of the Labor Party.

"Only security personnel were in the building at the time, but thankfully nobody was hurt," he said.

Television footage showed the multi-storey building in northwestern Tbilisi with shattered windows and a blackened hole in the sidewalk where the bomb went off.

The Labor Party is a ferocious critic of Mikhail Saakashvili, who spearheaded the protests against Mr Shevardnadze and is seen as the front-runner in presidential elections scheduled for January 4, 2004.

The party chief blamed the attack on the troika of former Shevardnadze's proteges who have assumed power in the strategic Caucasus nation following the veteran leader's resignation, and warned of more trouble ahead.

The attack came days after the bloodless overthrow of 75-year-old Mr Shevardnadze, whom many Georgians blame for plunging the once-prosperous country into poverty.

I say:

Well, so much for bloodless revolution. Why must people be such warmongers?

Oh, wait. Their fighting for their homeland. Which also happens to be the others side's homeland, but never mind that. Must be noble and righteous, right?

So just how do you decide which subset of "The _____ People(TM)" has the right to fight for "their" homeland? Why, for example, should the Ba'athists be right and the Shia and Kurds wrong? but I digress.