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New These pale in comparison to the risks of not killing him.
And if anyone else feels inspired by his example, he can get greased as well. Think of it as evolution in action.
Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New Nah, do it this way
Invade his bunker, give him a gun, tell him that either he does it, or our troops do it. Only the gun is rigged to explode becaue the barrel is clogged up. So he ends up commiting suicide then nobody can fault us or anyone else. The gun just backfired and he got killed.

Man, running those Role Playing Games sure pay off, don't they? :)

Picking up the pieces of my broken life.
     Osama Bin Skywalker or Osama Bin Saladin ? - (dmarker2) - (13)
         You missed one. - (admin) - (4)
             Agreed it would be nice. - (Ashton)
             Re: What chance do you think that has ? - (dmarker2) - (2)
                 Now...play the long term strategy - (Simon_Jester) - (1)
                     Re: Go away - I don't even want to - (dmarker2)
         These pale in comparison to the risks of not killing him. - (marlowe) - (1)
             Nah, do it this way - (orion)
         Saladin option - (Ric Locke) - (5)
             I recall gun barrel bombs being used . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (4)
                 Re: Wasn't one used on the bunker full of civillians ? - (dmarker2) - (3)
                     Bunker busting bombs - (Ric Locke) - (2)
                         Re: Bunker busting bombs - (a6l6e6x)
                         Yeah, I saw some propeganda pictures of that bunker . . - (Andrew Grygus)

Hey, it's a hard day's work in the pits of Minas Morgul, orking cows all day...
40 ms