IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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New What I thought that he wanted...
was a test for when a string was just a row of spaces.

In which case you DON'T want NULL to match, so we need to move NULLs to some string that won't be nulled by the TRIM.

"good ideas and bad code build communities, the other three combinations do not"
- [link|http://archives.real-time.com/pipermail/cocoon-devel/2000-October/003023.html|Stefano Mazzocchi]
New understood. thanks.
     Need Oracle "isBlank" boolean test - (tablizer) - (7)
         Blank Strings are null? - (ChrisR) - (2)
             Depends on what he means by a "blank string" - (ben_tilly) - (1)
                 Empty strings is what I meant. :-) - (ChrisR)
         TRIM(NVL(x, 'NULL')) IS NULL - (ben_tilly) - (3)
             Why the NVL? - (ChrisR) - (2)
                 What I thought that he wanted... - (ben_tilly) - (1)
                     understood. thanks. -NT - (ChrisR)

Running on an Atari 800 with two extra 16KB memory banks.
33 ms