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New Yes, it's their fault, not ours
A thread dedicated to evidence and discussion of just how messed up these people are, and why their attempts to shift the blame on us should be rejected out of hand.

Can it *all* be their fault? Yeah, why not? I mean, look at them. Can't some of it be America's fault somehow? Only in that we weren't more firm with these yahoos.
Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New Aid workers beaten by Taliban followers, U.N. says
[link|http://www.nando.net/special_reports/terrorism/impact/story/127981p-1347682c.html|Way to alienate what few influnetial friends you've got]


ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (October 10, 2001 10:48 a.m. EDT) - Taliban loyalists have beaten Afghan employees of the United Nations and confiscated a number of U.N. vehicles, a U.N. spokeswoman said Wednesday.

"Staff have been beaten in Kabul, Kandahar and in Jalalabad," spokeswoman Stephanie Bunker said in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad. "A significant number not yet specified of vehicles have been taken by the Taliban in Kandahar," the headquarters of the religious militia...

The United Nations withdrew its international staff from Afghanistan two days after the Sept. 11 attacks because of fears of American military action. Hundreds of Afghan employees remained behind in the country, trying to continue delivering food and other humanitarian aid.

After a 1998 U.S. missile attack on Afghanistan, angry protesters in Kabul killed one U.N. international staffer injured another. The 1998 missile strikes were in response to the bombing of two U.S. embassies in East Africa, also blamed on bin Laden.

On Monday, four security guards at a U.N.-affiliated mine-clearing operation were killed during an American air raid on the capital.
Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New You gotta admire their fighting spirit
[link|http://foxnews.com/story/0,2933,36150,00.html|They'd rather kill, and even die, than admit they're wrong]


As the U.S. continued to rain down bombs on the militia's home base at Kandahar, the Taliban, who had claimed to be restricting bin Laden's communications ability, told the British Broadcasting Corp. there were now "no restrictions" on him...

"The Americans must know that the storm of airplanes will not stop, God willing, and there are thousands of young people who are as keen about death as Americans are about life," Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, a spokesman for Al Qaeda, said in a statement broadcast on Qatar's Al-Jazeera television.

I say:

Way to go. There are people in the western world who are just looking for an unassailable excuse to systematically exterminate every last one of you, and now you've handed it to us with a bow on.

By the way, I notice that the anti-American screeching on Kuro5hin has died down to a background noise of a few blatantly f****d up cranks. And the formerly center-left mag New Republic is sounding awfully hawkish these days. And I haven't read much in the way of objections from our own Ben Tilly or Inthane in the past couple of days. The squishy left is evaporating, and the hard core is becoming irrelevant to such debate as still exists. The center is being redefined rightward.

Now if these people really do have God on their side, then they can afford to alienate all the mortals there are. (I for one have not hesitated to piss off folks that I deemed not worth the aggravation of trying to keep on my side anyway. I've never used lethal force, though.) But they'd better be damn sure. Don't burn a bridge until you're positive you won't be wanting it any more.

An uncompromising stance is either very good or very bad, depending on whether it happens to be factually correct. There is no in-between. Churchill and Hitler were both uncompromising and intolerant of contradictory opinions. But one of them happened to be right, and one of them ended up blowing his brains out in an underground bunker. Not all Kampfs are created equal.
Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New Excuse me?
The only reason I haven't been firing so much is that I'm back in school again, thankyewverymuch.

And you have in the past misinterpreted, and continue to misinterpret what I have been saying. I had no problems with taking on the people behind these attacks from the beginning. Our own crimes are no excuse for theirs - just that while we're cleaning their houses, we'd better clean up our own, otherwise the same shit is going to be happening to us 20 years down the road. Those who ignore history are fated to repeat it.

I made a comment to a coworker the other day - the only reason some other nation hasn't done the same thing to us (for what we have done in the past) that we're doing to the Taliban is that we could actually put a serious hurt on anybody who tried to do that to us.
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
New Spoken in the true Jihad mindset, Mullah___deja vu
Yes.. by all means let's just show these miserable sub-humans* what Murican humanity is really like!

* in WW-II the "buck-toothed Jap" was the propaganda ploy for dehumanizing the enemy into subhuman beast. The caricatures and songs re Germans OTOH (Der F\ufffdehrer's Face - Spike Jones).. were more about ridiculing the jack-booted goose-steppers and Hitler's silly moustache: but the 'Japs' weren't umm nice misguided Aryans: appearance could be made a weapon -- emphasize their race/physiognomy ! (Make *use* of that traditional Murican xenophobia! - hell, it's free..)

As to anti-American screeching and your perceived necessity that we next homogenize all opinion and individual wisdom (or less) into The One True View: aside from the obvious kill-messenger fallacy and all the others to be found at

[link|http://www.infidels.org/news/atheism/logic.html|Primer for Patriot-thugs]

you appear to have forgotten that there might be a difference between Muricans (I hope - still?) and those who train-up babies to wear Semtec belts, before they can even spell child abuse. You would join them for a Glorious Extermination to the last boy. At which point IWeThey become Us.

There is no in-between..

Right, Mr. Hermann Kahn.. let's ramp-up to full fucking Spasm War\ufffd. (We don't know 'zackly Who they are or Where they are or how Many are right *Here* - BUT: We'll show this fucking planet Who's Boss - or burn it all down..)

Shit Marlowe: this is not even the end of Round One, and you're ready to freak, impose martial law and stick in that concentration camp - any voice saying, wait a sec.. I recall that... Best take yer meds and reread some of those history books ya skipped for Bozo's Notes so's to settle for a C- and play in the computer lab.

As Winnie said, in his inimitable way.. after the first Brit 'successes' against the Nazis:

This is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the end.. It may perhaps be.. the end of the beginning..


deja vu all over again
New Ah, yes. That's more like it.
A lengthy screed of garbled syntax and equally garbled semantics. Just like the old days. Meaning last week.

Somebody set up Ashton the bomb.
Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New Re: Ashton - save your breath -

witness the snapping of a mind under constant propaganda barrage syndrome.

Save your breath - anything you try to say will be lost.

New Taliban caught lying?
Taliban claimed that Osoma's organization, al Qeda (sp?), was "not a terrorist organization". At roughly the same time, an al Qeda spokesman praised the twin tower attacks on an Arib TV station.

New Torturing the hoi polloi
[link|http://rawa.fancymarketing.net/karim.htm|Death of a young freedom-fighter under Taliban's torture]


About one a half months ago the Taliban began a compaign of intimidation of the local population in a large number of villages of Farah province in south west Afghanistan. The Taliban gunmen swarmed into villagers' houses in the dead of the night and took away all the men of the village, particularly younger men. Those arrested were subjected to cruel beatings and torture for " not handing over their weapons" and being against the Taliban.

Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New UN acquiesced to systematic neglect of women
[link|http://www.phrusa.org/research/health_effects/afghan.html|And these people dare to lecture *us*?]


Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) strongly condemns the United Nations' recent agreement with the Taliban regime that denies immediate access to health care and education for women in Afghanistan. The Boston-based health and human rights group demands that the international body renegotiate its terms immediately.

The agreement which was signed on May 13, 1998 but surfaced only recently, places the United Nations on record as agreeing with the Taliban that women's access to health care and education "will need to be gradual." The agreement also states that women's right to education, health care, and necessary development activities shall be based on "international standards and in accordance with Islamic rules and Afghan culture."

"The U.N. endorsement of Taliban restrictions on women's basic rights to education and health care is a betrayal of international human rights standards and of the female population of Afghanistan," said Leonard S. Rubenstein, Executive Director of PHR. "Furthermore, the Taliban's denial to women of the right to attend school or earn a living, is entirely inconsistent with Afghan history and religion".

Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New It's spelled, h y p o c r i s y
New An Arab columnist admits Muslim world's failings.
[link|http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/time/2001/10/15/fault.html|Here's hoping he doesn't get killed for this].


A certain fixation on the past took hold alongside a deep uneasiness with the present. Religious reform did not take off. The Muhammad Abdu project to renew Islam the way Martin Luther reformed Christianity ended at the turn of 19th century in disarray, opening the way to more extreme versions of the religion. Efforts to modernize the Arab language and bridge the gap between the spoken vernaculars and the written classical did not materialize. Public spheres--such as a free press, trade unions, civil societies--for debating matters related to the common good were not established. And most important, Muslims and Arabs never resolved the question of political legitimacy. They failed to develop workable models, which has made every attempt at political change long and dangerous.

The question of legitimacy is flagrant in Iran, where President Mohammed Khatami and his supporters won all the popular elections but could not win real power, which instead resides with Ayatullah Ali Khamenei. In Syria it seems there is no way out of Hafez Assad's authoritarian legacy. If Saddam Hussein finally falls from power in Iraq, heaven knows who might replace him, so ruthless has he been in suppressing rivals. Yasser Arafat's lack of a mandate has made him unable to make historic decisions in the peace process, so he instead alternates between directions.

The weak legitimacy of local regimes leaves the most essential themes of social and political destiny hanging, creating a vacuum to be filled only by populist politicians and extremist groups, by wars and civil wars. By failing to establish effective polities, we have perpetuated our impotence, making it all the harder to catch up with the West. Lebanon, the only pluralistic example in the Arab world, was destroyed by its own religious sects and its neighbors. Among the states in the area that don't work or barely do so are Iraq, Sudan, Pakistan, Algeria and Lebanon.

Arab intellectuals, who ought to encourage change, have largely failed in that role. For the most part, they did not detach themselves from the tribal tradition of defending "our" causes in the face of the "enemy." Their priority has not been to criticize the incredible shortcomings that they live with. They tend ceaselessly to highlight their "oneness." Thus they help stereotype themselves before being stereotyped by any enemy. It is in this particular history and this particular culture, and not in any alleged clash of civilizations, that the roots of our wretched present lie.

Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New Disagreement over lunch tab led to mass troop defections
[link|http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/story.hts/special/terror/front/1090561|And these jackasses pass judgement on us?]


JABAL-US-SARAJ, Afghanistan -- It started as a dispute over a lunch tab and ended with a mass defection of Taliban troops.

One afternoon a month ago, several dozen Taliban fighters ate their fill of rice, bread and meat at the teahouse in Taleh Barfaq, Afghanistan, but decided not to pay the owner.

The owner's close friends, another group of Taliban fighters, took offense.

There was a spirited argument, and the men, all heavily armed, spilled into the teeming bazaar, wildly firing at one another.

The first group of fighters saved a pocketful of afghanis, the Afghan currency, but the meal turned out to be much more expensive: Because of the quarrel, the Taliban lost control of Afghanistan's major north-south supply route last week when more than 1,000 fighters and 30 commanders switched loyalties to the opposition Northern Alliance.
Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New Heh.. nice comic relief
Doesn't seem 'disloyal' or stupid either - much like many fiction dystopias in which everything IS Catch 22: thus you adapt to survive.

What is gained if you stick to a credo (not all that different from your current opponents' POV, at base) -- get selves massacred to.. er prove a Pointless-Point? That aint Heroism - but Ego-ritual suicide! (of course if you believe you get Brownie Points with a local God, well..)

Anyway - assuming it was reported relatively unmolested - it's good for a

Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle..
New Refusal to return lawnmower led to mass troop defections.
Just kidding. But it could happen.
Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New Er...
What the fsck would an Afghani do with a lawnmower...?

-scott anderson
New Oooh... that be an easy one!
Known throughout the militant universe as innovative armorers:

Within hours that could be a self-propelled Glockenspiel multi-threaded multi-tasking mobile

Farmily Valuez Exporting Device Mk. I

(Doncha wish you knew what real innovation is like?)
New Opposition leader on peace mission summarily disposed of
[link|http://www.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/central/10/26/ret.rodgers.otsc/index.html|Abdul Haq done in]

See, this is why we don't negotiate with terrorists.


ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (CNN) -- The Taliban says it has executed high-profile Taliban-opposition leader Abdul Haq.

The report comes after it was learned that Haq had been arrested by Taliban forces while he was on a peace mission in Afghanistan for the exiled Afghan king, Zahir Shah...

The Taliban had been broadcasting on its radio stations before the bombing campaign began that anyone who came speaking kindly of the deposed king Zahir Shah would be guilty of treason. There are now reports from the Taliban foreign ministry that Abdul Haq has been executed.

This is an extraordinarily devastating psychological and diplomatic blow to the West, which had been placing its bets on Haq, hoping that he might rally the anti-Taliban support. And it also is a very powerful statement on the part of the Taliban itself, that it is going to deal ruthlessly with anyone who challenges its power in Afghanistan.

I say:

All bets on Haq? I sure as hell hope not, as a matter of principle. He was worth a shot, now that play is done. Time to obliterate the Taliban.

Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New Yeah, they really care about proof and justice and all.
[link|http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/0,,2001370005-2001380262,00.html|You gotta hand it to them]


"The mullahs didn't even ask my name or speak to the
crowd. Seven doctors approached me. They wore grey
uniforms, surgical masks and gloves. I could see one was
crying. They injected me. After five minutes my body was
numb though I was still conscious. Then they put clamps
on my hand and foot and began to cut them off with
special saws. There was no pain but I could see what they
were doing."

...Nothing was said. Even now I am unaware why I was
chosen for amputation"...

?I am finished. I have no future,? Karimullah said. ?I have
had everything taken from me by the Taleban. Before
they came to Kabul I was a student in the tenth grade, an
educated man with some chances before me.

?Someone told me a rich Pashtun had committed a crime
and paid the corrupt mullahs to use a prisoner of war for
public amputation instead of himself. I don?t know if it?s
true. But I hate them.

Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New look at the bright side, the OJ defense works over there too
tshirt front "born to die before I get old"
thshirt back "fscked another one didnja?"
New Ugly, Box. OJ was never even 'funny'. Nor this
indictment of an entire species. 'We' are capable of similar or,

"Nothing that is common to man is alien to me.."

is false.
New missed my point perhaps that the indications of bizness
as usual by the so called religious above reproach class might be an indication to the rest of the worlds muslims that these folks are not above reproach.
tshirt front "born to die before I get old"
thshirt back "fscked another one didnja?"
New Taliban deserter dishes the dirt
[link|http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/0,,2001380013-2001381446,00.html|Not a happy camper]


DISILLUSIONED with life on the front line, a British
deserter from the Taleban is warning other young
Muslims that if they go to Afghanistan seeking glory or
martyrdom they will only find themselves at the mercy
of ?lunatics and liars?.

Abu Mindar, 26, from London?s East End, considers
himself lucky to have survived his baptism of fire this
week with a crew of raw recruits of many nationalities,
none of whom had ever fired a shot in anger.

?Maybe I was naive but I was told there would be proper
training and I would be joining an organised military unit
and it was just chaos,? he said.

The impression being given by militant Muslim groups is
that there is a slick and successful recruiting drive in
British cities after which volunteers are shepherded by
its emissaries to Pakistan and on to training camps run
by the Taleban. The reality, says Abu Mindar, is different.

After days of delay, discomfort and lies he was driven
into the desert with about 25 others, somewhere near
Kabul, and handed a Kalishnikov by the ?commander? of
his group who gestured for him to fire at an enemy he
could not see through the swirling dust.

?There were other Taleban around and suddenly everyone
started firing,? Abu Mindar said on the telephone from

He laughed nervously as he described how, as he was not
used to handling a gun, the ricochet nearly tore the
AK47 from his grasp.

?It arced up in the air, took off the top of a tree and
nearly decapitated some of the others in our group.
Before I knew it the other side - whoever they were -
started firing back and there was nowhere much to take
cover. Everyone was shouting, some got shot, I didn?t
know what to do.?

Abu Mindar is not sure how many casualties his group
suffered in the 20-minute gunfight but he was taken
back to their makeshift barracks sharing a
four-wheel-drive truck with three wounded.

?Some of the others were shouting victory slogans but
we hadn?t done anything except get ourselves shot,? he

?It wasn?t the danger I minded because I expected
shooting. It was the recklessness of the Taleban and their
complete disregard for the lives of those fighting for
Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New Take this 'skill level' with grain of salt?
Nothing so Righteous as a recent convert, or an ex-smoker...
How could I have been so Wrong? / but now I See the Light! NOW I be Righteous !! [again]

{sigh} Homo-sap is not the most reliable witness, when giving testimonials on any emotional topic - especially about internal fantasies.

Dis-illusion-ment... rarely occurs; hardly ever?

New actually Israel in 48,73
did very similar, as folks came ashore, they didnt even know the language. They were given a weapon pointed to the front lines and died in droves. They held, they helped.
tshirt front "born to die before I get old"
thshirt back "fscked another one didnja?"
New Humanitarian blame shifting: the UN's not buying it
[link|http://www.cnn.com/2001/US/11/07/gen.uncs.taliban/index.html|Maybe if the Taliban had been nicer to the UN]


The Taliban have called on the U.N. to help thousands of displaced Afghans who are facing rapidly deteriorating conditions as a result of worsening weather and continued U.S. bombing.

But the U.N. has hit back at the Taliban, saying that they have been hindering humanitarian relief efforts.

On Tuesday Security Council President, Ambassador Patricia Durrant of Jamaica, called on the Taliban not to impede the aid effort, saying that the Council "deplored the looting of UN offices, and the Taliban's takeover of humanitarian relief sites, including food and supply warehouses."

Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New Afghan gunmen murdering those who dare to flee
[link|http://www.taipeitimes.com/news/2001/11/08/story/0000110619|And they lecture us about social justice]

ENFORCED PATRIOTISM: Refugees who have made it to Pakistan report of having seen the Taliban gunning down masses of people who were fleeing the country
The Taliban are slaughtering Hazara Afghans who try to flee the country, gunning them down in cold blood, claim refugees who have made it to Pakistan.

Thousands of "invisible" refugees from the minority Shiite community exist in poverty on the outskirts of the southwestern Pakistani city of Quetta, near the Afghan border.

They say they have fled the US bombing of Afghanistan, a severe drought and more than anything, persecution by the ruling Islamic militia.

Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New No, it's not globalisation's fault.
Hey, I'm no big fan of megacorps, based in Redmond or elsewhere. But blaming the capitalist system for the problems of the Muslim world just won't wash, [link|http://www.thenewrepublic.com/111201/lindsey111201.html|and here's why].


But where the argument falls apart is in blaming globalization for Muslim countries' economic woes. For the sad fact is that, while newly liberated market forces have indeed fomented dramatic changes around the planet (mostly for the better), one place they haven't fomented dramatic--or even substantial--change is in the Islamic world. With a few notable exceptions--Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, some of the Gulf states--most Muslim countries have kept international economic integration at bay. Highly restrictive barriers to trade and investment choke off the international flows of goods, services, and capital. Nor has globalization reordered these countries internally. Pervasive economic controls stifle competition, while the institutional infrastructure on which markets depend remains pathetically underdeveloped. Most Muslim countries are more or less immune from globalization's creative destruction. They live in self-imposed exile from the new global economy. In other words, it is not globalization that fuels Al Qaeda--but its opposite. For if the challenges of adapting to global economic integration are daunting, they pale in comparison to the frustrations of living in the defunct and discredited collectivist past.

Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New A classic quotation

"Talking to a Taliban warrior about improving his quality of life is like trying to teach an ape how to hold a pen; eventually he just gets frustrated and sticks you in the eye with it."

An apt simile indeed. They do it with airliners too.
Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New TNR on politics, Afghan style
[link|http://www.thenewrepublic.com/123101/rubin123101.html|No wonder they can't get their act together]


There's an old Pashtun proverb, Sami told me, that goes something like this: "A cousin is good against another tribe. A brother is good against cousins. And a son is good against brothers." Which is why if you don't give birth to a son here in Pashtunwali land, you're as good as finished. "All your assets will go to your enemy," said Sami, who has only four daughters. And who's the enemy? Your cousin.

I say:

It's called amoral familism, and it is a recipe for chronic backwardness. It boils down to a failure to consider the big picture, a narrowness of moral imagination just one step short of nihilism.
Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New amoral familism
Isn't that still one step above the prevailing structure here - amoral selfism?
"You don't have to be right - just use bolded upper case" - annon.
New Cackle.. Cackle.. urp
Damn, Mike - Creativity Award, Sententious Sonnets subdivision. :-) This is the highest category of Brevity Award !!

Your medal depicts a giant gas-bag center-stage. Knight on spirited charger enters screen right: with enlarged, glowing sewing needle for a lance. (When I can collect enough melted .com Logos to make a proper casting)

..Makes the Afghans appear quite logical and civilized - by comparison. Just.. they can't afford so many suits and Beemers (and puffery). So they can't be as smart as us'ns, now can they? Well.. after a generation or 2 of Triple-Bacon McD Greaseburgers: their IQs'll drop in line with our'n, I'd guess.


Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle..
New LRPD Knows! 'Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.'
New Or, to state it a bit clearer
... I, myself, is good against sons.

Expand Edited by Arkadiy Jan. 2, 2002, 12:28:13 PM EST
     Yes, it's their fault, not ours - (marlowe) - (33)
         Aid workers beaten by Taliban followers, U.N. says - (marlowe)
         You gotta admire their fighting spirit - (marlowe) - (4)
             Excuse me? - (inthane-chan)
             Spoken in the true Jihad mindset, Mullah___deja vu - (Ashton) - (2)
                 Ah, yes. That's more like it. - (marlowe)
                 Re: Ashton - save your breath - - (dmarker2)
         Taliban caught lying? - (tablizer)
         Torturing the hoi polloi - (marlowe)
         UN acquiesced to systematic neglect of women - (marlowe) - (1)
             It's spelled, h y p o c r i s y -NT - (Ashton)
         An Arab columnist admits Muslim world's failings. - (marlowe)
         Disagreement over lunch tab led to mass troop defections - (marlowe) - (4)
             Heh.. nice comic relief - (Ashton)
             Refusal to return lawnmower led to mass troop defections. - (marlowe) - (2)
                 Er... - (admin) - (1)
                     Oooh... that be an easy one! - (Ashton)
         Opposition leader on peace mission summarily disposed of - (marlowe)
         Yeah, they really care about proof and justice and all. - (marlowe) - (3)
             look at the bright side, the OJ defense works over there too -NT - (boxley) - (2)
                 Ugly, Box. OJ was never even 'funny'. Nor this - (Ashton) - (1)
                     missed my point perhaps that the indications of bizness - (boxley)
         Taliban deserter dishes the dirt - (marlowe) - (2)
             Take this 'skill level' with grain of salt? - (Ashton) - (1)
                 actually Israel in 48,73 - (boxley)
         Humanitarian blame shifting: the UN's not buying it - (marlowe)
         Afghan gunmen murdering those who dare to flee - (marlowe)
         No, it's not globalisation's fault. - (marlowe)
         A classic quotation - (marlowe)
         TNR on politics, Afghan style - (marlowe) - (4)
             amoral familism - (mhuber) - (3)
                 Cackle.. Cackle.. urp - (Ashton) - (1)
                     LRPD Knows! 'Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.' -NT - (Ashton)
                 Or, to state it a bit clearer - (Arkadiy)

The man with the reverse Midas touch.
213 ms