Post #125,927
11/16/03 6:25:12 PM
11/17/03 3:03:17 AM

Check these links ...
Google ... Iraq oil contracts Chalabi Iraq
Here are a few links that paint an interesting picture - they are pretty much reflective of a consistent picture & pattern. The themes are consistent even though the sources are wide & varied
Cheers - Doug
TRAINING for IRAQ Liberation [link||] training for 'democratic' govt of Iraq
[link||] more about Rumsfeld's pre-Iraq war European activities
Ahmad CHALABI's questionable role [link|,0,5676525.story?coll=la-headlines-world|http://www.latimes.c...a-headlines-world] Chalabi's pay-offs
[link||] Unflattering comments about Wolfy's Iraqi friend
[link||http://edition.cnn.c...irq.bush.chalabi/] Unflattering CNN comments "The U.S. military even airlifted him into Iraq after the war. Now he seems out of step with Washington."
[link||http://www.signonsan...iraq-un-seat.html] 'democratic' Chalabi takes Iraq's UN seat
[link||http://www.disinfope...tle=Ahmed_Chalabi] Various US opinions on Chalabi 'If Chalabi is the guy, there could be a civil war after Saddam's overthrow,' one former C.I.A. operative told me. A former high-level Pentagon official added, 'There are some things that a President can't order up, and an internal opposition is one.'"[4]
[link||http://www.islamonli.../article_32.shtml] An Arab view of Chalabi
[link||http://www.themoscow...03/09/24/201.html] point here is that unless Chalabi 'tows the US line' as per the Rumsfeld Iraq script, he will run foul of Washington.
[link||] Chalabi as main source for WMD claims (Repubs testing if Chalabi can be 'fitted up')
[link||http://fpeng.peopled...000809_47788.html] Pre war - Iraq attacks US Britain for blocking oil contracts
[link||] Point here is that Russia lost its biggest contracts and won't get them back unless it accepts US controlled 'democratization' of Iraq
[link|,6903,805530,00.html|http://observer.guar...03,805530,00.html] UK Guardian on US oil grab
[link||] Spoils of war
[link||] Info on Iraq oil reserves
[link||] Interesting claim that Iraq's oil reserves are not what everyone thinks !!!
[link||] Interesting opinions on oil issue "Its the oil stupid" Washington will seek United Nations Security Council resolutions lifting the economic sanctions in order to allow sales of Iraqi oil. But administration officials vow to exclude the UN from decisionmaking on the disposition of Iraqi oil assets.
BUT MOST TELLING (in support of the case I made) ... According to the Energy Department, these undeveloped fields may hold as much as 200 billion barrels of oil, making this the largest pool of unexploited petroleum in the world. Saddam had awarded contracts to firms in Russia, China, and France to develop some of these fields, but any government installed by the United States--certainly one headed by Chalabi--would declare those contracts void.
#1 - tidied up dup links #2 - fixed mixed up link re CNN

Edited by dmarker
Nov. 16, 2003, 06:29:49 PM EST
Check these links, they add a lot ...
Did a Google with args Iraq oil contracts Chalabi Iraq WMD
But here are a few that paint an interesting picture - they are pretty much reflective of a consistent picture & pattern
Cheers - Doug
TRAINING for IRAQ Liberation [link||] democratic govt of Iraq
CHALABI's questionable role [link|,0,5676525.story?coll=la-headlines-world|http://www.latimes.c...a-headlines-world]
[link||] The U.S. military even airlifted him into Iraq after the war. Now he seems out of step with Washington.
[link||http://www.signonsan...iraq-un-seat.html] 'democratic' Chalabi takes Iraq UN seat
[link||http://www.disinfope...tle=Ahmed_Chalabi] Various US opinions on Chalabi 'If Chalabi is the guy, there could be a civil war after Saddam's overthrow,' one former C.I.A. operative told me. A former high-level Pentagon official added, 'There are some things that a President can't order up, and an internal opposition is one.'"[4]
[link|,0,5676525.story?coll=la-headlines-world|http://www.latimes.c...a-headlines-world] who gets contracts
[link||http://www.islamonli.../article_32.shtml] An Arab view of Chalabi
[link||http://www.themoscow...03/09/24/201.html] point here is that unless Chalabi 'tows the US line' as per the Iraq script, he will run foul of Washington.
[link||] Chalabi as main source for WMD claims (Repubs testing if Chalabi can be 'fitted up')
[link||http://fpeng.peopled...000809_47788.html] Iraq attacks US Britain for blocking oil contracts
[link||] point here is that Russia lost its biggest contracts and won't get them back unless it accepts US controlled 'democratization' of Iraq
[link|,6903,805530,00.html|http://observer.guar...03,805530,00.html] UK Guardian on US oil grab
[link||] Sp*oil*s of war
[link||] Iraq oil reserves
[link||] Interesting claim that Iraq's oil reserves are not what everyone thinks !!!
[link||] "Its the oil stupid" Washington will seek United Nations Security Council resolutions lifting the economic sanctions in order to allow sales of Iraqi oil. But administration officials vow to exclude the UN from decisionmaking on the disposition of Iraqi oil assets.

Edited by dmarker
Nov. 17, 2003, 12:52:12 AM EST
Check these links, they add a lot ...
Did a Google with args Iraq oil contracts Chalabi Iraq WMD
But here are a few that paint an interesting picture - they are pretty much reflective of a consistent picture & pattern
Cheers - Doug
TRAINING for IRAQ Liberation [link||] democratic govt of Iraq
CHALABI's questionable role [link|,0,5676525.story?coll=la-headlines-world|http://www.latimes.c...a-headlines-world]
[link||] The U.S. military even airlifted him into Iraq after the war. Now he seems out of step with Washington.
[link||http://www.signonsan...iraq-un-seat.html] 'democratic' Chalabi takes Iraq UN seat
[link||http://www.disinfope...tle=Ahmed_Chalabi] Various US opinions on Chalabi 'If Chalabi is the guy, there could be a civil war after Saddam's overthrow,' one former C.I.A. operative told me. A former high-level Pentagon official added, 'There are some things that a President can't order up, and an internal opposition is one.'"[4]
[link|,0,5676525.story?coll=la-headlines-world|http://www.latimes.c...a-headlines-world] who gets contracts
[link||http://www.islamonli.../article_32.shtml] An Arab view of Chalabi
[link||http://www.themoscow...03/09/24/201.html] point here is that unless Chalabi 'tows the US line' as per the Iraq script, he will run foul of Washington.
[link||] Chalabi as main source for WMD claims (Repubs testing if Chalabi can be 'fitted up')
[link||http://fpeng.peopled...000809_47788.html] Iraq attacks US Britain for blocking oil contracts
[link||] point here is that Russia lost its biggest contracts and won't get them back unless it accepts US controlled 'democratization' of Iraq
[link|,6903,805530,00.html|http://observer.guar...03,805530,00.html] UK Guardian on US oil grab
[link||] Sp*oil*s of war
[link||] Iraq oil reserves
[link||] Interesting claim that Iraq's oil reserves are not what everyone thinks !!!
[link||] "Its the oil stupid" Washington will seek United Nations Security Council resolutions lifting the economic sanctions in order to allow sales of Iraqi oil. But administration officials vow to exclude the UN from decisionmaking on the disposition of Iraqi oil assets.
BUT MOST TELLING (in support of the case I made) ... According to the Energy Department, these undeveloped fields may hold as much as 200 billion barrels of oil, making this the largest pool of unexploited petroleum in the world. Saddam had awarded contracts to firms in Russia, China, and France to develop some of these fields, but any government installed by the United States--certainly one headed by Chalabi--would declare those contracts void.

Edited by dmarker
Nov. 17, 2003, 03:03:17 AM EST
Check these links ...
Google ... Iraq oil contracts Chalabi Iraq
Here are a few links that paint an interesting picture - they are pretty much reflective of a consistent picture & pattern. The themes are consistent even though the sources are wide & varied
Cheers - Doug
TRAINING for IRAQ Liberation [link||] training for 'democratic' govt of Iraq
[link||] more about Rumsfeld's pre-Iraq war European activities
Ahmad CHALABI's questionable role [link|,0,5676525.story?coll=la-headlines-world|http://www.latimes.c...a-headlines-world] Chalabi's pay-offs
[link||] "The U.S. military even airlifted him into Iraq after the war. Now he seems out of step with Washington."
[link||http://www.signonsan...iraq-un-seat.html] 'democratic' Chalabi takes Iraq's UN seat
[link||http://www.disinfope...tle=Ahmed_Chalabi] Various US opinions on Chalabi 'If Chalabi is the guy, there could be a civil war after Saddam's overthrow,' one former C.I.A. operative told me. A former high-level Pentagon official added, 'There are some things that a President can't order up, and an internal opposition is one.'"[4]
[link||http://www.islamonli.../article_32.shtml] An Arab view of Chalabi
[link||http://www.themoscow...03/09/24/201.html] point here is that unless Chalabi 'tows the US line' as per the Rumsfeld Iraq script, he will run foul of Washington.
[link||] Chalabi as main source for WMD claims (Repubs testing if Chalabi can be 'fitted up')
[link||http://fpeng.peopled...000809_47788.html] Pre war - Iraq attacks US Britain for blocking oil contracts
[link||] Point here is that Russia lost its biggest contracts and won't get them back unless it accepts US controlled 'democratization' of Iraq
[link|,6903,805530,00.html|http://observer.guar...03,805530,00.html] UK Guardian on US oil grab
[link||] Spoils of war
[link||] Info on Iraq oil reserves
[link||] Interesting claim that Iraq's oil reserves are not what everyone thinks !!!
[link||] Interesting opinions on oil issue "Its the oil stupid" Washington will seek United Nations Security Council resolutions lifting the economic sanctions in order to allow sales of Iraqi oil. But administration officials vow to exclude the UN from decisionmaking on the disposition of Iraqi oil assets.
BUT MOST TELLING (in support of the case I made) ... According to the Energy Department, these undeveloped fields may hold as much as 200 billion barrels of oil, making this the largest pool of unexploited petroleum in the world. Saddam had awarded contracts to firms in Russia, China, and France to develop some of these fields, but any government installed by the United States--certainly one headed by Chalabi--would declare those contracts void.