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New Helicopters going down - let the finger pointing begin...

For 18 months before it was deployed to Iraq, a combined Illinois-Iowa National Guard helicopter unit reported to the Army that most of the unit's helicopters lacked basic missile defense systems.

Despite that, the Army sent the Chinook helicopters to Iraq and used them in missions.

"There is clearly a dispute about the information that was given from the Guard to the Army before mobilization," Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said yesterday. "I cannot understand how that unit can be activated with only three of 14 helicopters properly equipped."

Since at least October 2001, the Bartonville, Ill.-based Guard unit had reported that 10 of its 14 helicopters lacked basic missile defense systems, a spokeswoman for the Illinois National Guard said.

"We clearly reported it and showed the unit's deficiencies," said Lt. Col. Alicia Tate-Nadeau of the Illinois National Guard. "The information was there for them to view."

She was responding to the suggestion made this week by Army officials that the Guard unit had misrepresented itself as ready for deployment to Iraq, setting off a last-minute scramble by the Army to find missile defense systems for the helicopters just before they were shipped out from Corpus Christi, Texas. Several of the newly acquired systems, however, arrived damaged.
[link|http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/world/iraq/20031115-9999_1n15copter.html| Source ]
New Red herring
Those defenses are only good against guided missiles (i.e. Stingers and the like). Now, it is possible that the Pentagon forgot to mention a few details, but so far all reports indicate the helicopters were hit with RPGs or machine gun fire. Not a thing any defensive measures can do against those.
New Why shouldn't the warnings be ignored?
Dick Durban (D ILL)
One of the leaders against Bush's stacking of the Supreme court pipeline.

Peter Fitzgerald (R, ILL)
Lame duck senator; Seat will probably (but not surely) go to a Democrat, causing, if all else holds true, the Repos to lose control of the Senate.

Why not cause a little pain for this upstart delegation?
"There are two ways for you to have lower Prescription-drug costs. One is you could hire Rush Limbaugh's housekeeper ... or you can elect me President."
John Kerry
     Helicopters going down - let the finger pointing begin... - (Simon_Jester) - (2)
         Red herring - (scoenye)
         Why shouldn't the warnings be ignored? - (jb4)

From Cap'n Billy's Whizz Bang!
32 ms