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New But as Bill has painted in pastels + pepperoni,
The confabulation within (just? or especially) Afghanistan - of the above built-in schism between -ite or --unni Muslims has superimposed: Arabs vs Persians (old and new). Then throw in something analogous to good 'ol Christian fundamentalists VS Baptists VS Catholics + maybe Irish VS Protestants... And the local Afghan clans!

Don't forget the Saudis and Their special repressive brand of misogynistic fascism! (Our airplane seekers-after dead virgins, were mostly Saudis IIRC. ibn Saud must be needing regular underwear changes of late?)


I can infer from this colloidal dispersion in petroleum distillate only that: Religion Corporations Kill, wherever found and however they explain themselves. (And.. be *assured* they will: Each One is Right)

With Pontius P.: I wash mine hands of this immorality play

Let the spin in 8-dimensions begin. Entire species is just plain nutzo.

how do I get outta this chicken outfit?
New Re your PS.
Hi A,

how do I get outta this chicken outfit?

How does that saying go...?

"Nobody gets out of here alive." :-/

New Depending on which outfit has it right
maybe nobody gets out dead either.
"You don't have to be right - just use bolded upper case" - annon.
New Ah yes.. to sleep, perchance to dream..
Hi Mike -

How goes the search for honest work?

Odd how those companies whose paid strategists project a gradual, sane recovery - make the reverse a self-fulfilling prophecy, by getting all weak-kneed.

(Hope you find one planning an end-run around the competition. Someone has to break out of the herd..)



New Searching for honest work?
The search for honest work? Perhaps my persona here is unrealisticaly wholesome.

I've been taking Rockwell-sponsored career transition seminars (AKA job hunting class) and getting my head together and helping my wife with the shop. I've been thinking about what I really want,and whether there is a practical alternative to the corporate grind. I've been building my "marketing plan" as the career transition people call it. Tomorrow, I'm starting my official networking phase (as opposed to random conversations) by calling a few people who are close enough that I can talk to them without having to act like I have a real plan. Because I don't - at this point, I'm not sure whether I'm looking for a job or starting a company. Too bad this is happening during a recession.

Meanwhile, the family is pulling together wonderfully. Having me here to greet the kids when they get home from school and regular prepared meals is doing incredible things for the mental health of everyone here.

I have a few month's severance pay to live on, so I can afford to do this one right. I want to end up in a situation that's better than where I was before. I want to make that end run.

"You don't have to be right - just use bolded upper case" - annon.
New Re: Searching for honest work?
Keep your chin up.

I've been through several layoffs. They suck. Its demeaning, depressing, frightening and just plain hard.


I've ALWAYS ended up in a better position with the next job I got.

New Sounds almost good..
I am of course inept re how the current dance is done, and whether or not epaulets or sashes are needed at interviews. (I do know however, that one may not place on CV a ref. from The Ministry of Silly Walks, as a healthy sense of humor is inconsistent with the whole idea of having a department! labelled "HR" meaning: the Rest of the company is all about inhuman relations. ;-)

Can only reiterate how *great* it was to be fired! as that led to my perfect job, which I would have missed otherwise.

Hope you can wangle something sub-corporate, just on general principles (and to cheer up everyone here?) .. there just Has to be some non-Dilbert emporia extant. No, really!

who has perused some of the Success in Rapine manuals detailing how one may garner 100-X what Anyone since Newton was ever worth, via peppy PowerPointPulchritude.. and I thought that: these constituted perhaps the best argument for repealing the 1st Amendment.. a little bit (along with Rev Foulwell's most every phrase, that is).
     I wonder how many condemnations are empty rhetoric - (cwbrenn) - (25)
         My $.02... - (screamer) - (4)
             Re: My $.02... - (gtall) - (1)
                 Re: Thanks Gerard, got my first laugh of the day - (dmarker2)
             Re: Good line of reasoning - (dmarker2)
             Wahhabism is also the official religion of Saudi Arabia -msg -NT - (Simon_Jester)
         \\/\\/377 do0D.. - (Ashton)
         Re: Perhaps someone can fill us in on the Muslim schism - (dmarker2) - (9)
             Can't do that but ... - (altmann) - (3)
                 Re: Have to admit that was my recollection - (dmarker2) - (2)
                     QAD research on differences between Shia & Sunni - (dmarker2) - (1)
                         Re: Aha - the murk clears (just a bit) - (dmarker2)
             This seems to cover it. - (Another Scott) - (2)
                 Re: Good work - that does cover it well - (dmarker2) - (1)
                     Re: I finally found whose son got killed in battle of Islams - (dmarker2)
             Sunni - Shiite split - (brettj) - (1)
                 Re: Jesus died ? - (dmarker2)
         waal can you say mormon xian - (boxley) - (8)
             Re: Mormon split came to mind - but they don't have a hist o - (dmarker2) - (7)
                 But as Bill has painted in pastels + pepperoni, - (Ashton) - (6)
                     Re your PS. - (Another Scott) - (5)
                         Depending on which outfit has it right - (mhuber) - (4)
                             Ah yes.. to sleep, perchance to dream.. - (Ashton) - (3)
                                 Searching for honest work? - (mhuber) - (2)
                                     Re: Searching for honest work? - (Steve Lowe)
                                     Sounds almost good.. - (Ashton)

Hatten ar din, hatten ar din. Hatten ar din, hatt baby!
181 ms