2) Democracy dictates that any established and 'legally' binding contracts such as oil expl & devel mut be adhered to.
Is bunk.
Otherwise the oil contracts would belong, already, to the Russians and French.
Because, I believe you'll find that the legal argument that they'll use is that Iraq fell into a anarchy period where all contract made with the established government of Iraq prior to the war are null and void.
Only contracts formed after the interm govenment has been established will have the enforced with the rule of law. (In other words, we'll shoot anyone who tries to take our^h^h^hIraqi oil.)
Actually #1 is bunk - there is no way we're going to give them democracy (so that they can vote a religious dictatorship) - they'll be forced to take our intern-govenment appointees for a few (dozen) years or so.
(BTW: one reason why we are going through all this mularchy is that according to the Genevia Convention we're not allowed to simply walk into Iraq and just take their oil. I'm not sure why the GC would stop us though - it's not stopped us in the past.)
(BTW: are you sure it's the Russians and the French - or is it the Russian and French branches of multi-national corporations?)