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New Agree
Company grade (Lt and Cpt) officers and below are the "grunts". Once an officer hits field grade (Maj, LTC, Col) he must start to learn "politics". Once they get that star (Generals) it's a political game.
"All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field;
the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever."
1 Peter 1:24-25
New Re: Agree
I had a good drinking buddy in Atlanta who was a retired Army lt. col. active in Vietnam. Man, he had stories...He was on the last level where is was remotely possible to take of of troops in the field (battalion level).
     Some statistics in a graphical form.... - (dmcarls) - (11)
         Very sobering. - (pwhysall)
         Small fraction of WTC attack. And chump change as wars go. - (marlowe) - (9)
             Do you even know what 400 people looks like? - (pwhysall) - (8)
                 Nit. - (mmoffitt) - (6)
                     Nit Nit.. - (jbrabeck) - (5)
                         Nit.Nit.Nit. - (mmoffitt) - (4)
                             I accept the compromise... - (jbrabeck) - (3)
                                 Re: I accept the compromise... - (deSitter) - (2)
                                     Agree - (jbrabeck) - (1)
                                         Re: Agree - (deSitter)
                 I know what more than 2800 people look like. - (marlowe)

Armed with WoMS*.

*(Weapons of Mass *SHUN*)
96 ms