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New going as I predicted, the house of Saud will not rule mecca
evens is a bitch
"You're just like me streak. You never left the free-fire zone.You think aspirins and meetings and cold showers are going to clean out your head. What you want is God's permission to paint the trees with the bad guys. That wont happen big mon." Clete
questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
New Fine with me, so long as...
the next dynasty isn't named bin Laden. (Or al-Tikriti. But that one's a foregone conclusion now.)

When the time comes, remember: never mind the backstory. It's All About the Oil!!!!

Well, actually, the fallback position is: It's All About Control of the Oil!!!! And That's Bad And Wrong Somehow!!!!!
Compromise is for suckers. Seeking a middle ground is what led to 9/11.
"I do not want to be admired by scumbags and liars and wife beaters. I want to be admired by good and decent, intelligent and just people, and in order to achieve this I need to do things that make me despised by their opposites." - Bill Whittle
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
     Sorry to disrupt the circle jerk and rumor fest, but... - (marlowe) - (3)
         GO AWAY AGAIN (new thread) - (deSitter)
         going as I predicted, the house of Saud will not rule mecca - (boxley) - (1)
             Fine with me, so long as... - (marlowe)

My Mom, who is vacationing in Aruba...
57 ms