I am astounded that even GROCERIES are going to these monsters! Who in his sane right mind would buy his food in that hell, stand at one of 50 registers manned by 10 of the homliest, fattest women the suburban South can hock up from its tuburcular lungs, wait in line for 30 minutes, then undertake a 5-day hike to the car, which is parked somewhere in Tennessee?
God damn, listen to yourself. This style of argument suggests that hatred of Walmart is merely sneering contempt for the lower orders.
People buy stuff from superstores because it's cheaper. Cheaper prices mean that they can buy more stuff with the same amount of money. This means that they can afford a higher standard of living than they otherwise could. I think this is good, and I also think it's bad to raid the pockets of the poor to subsidize your aesthetic prejudices.
If I had a car, I'd happily shop at the superstores. I don't, so I have to put up with a local supermarket that offers me high prices, bad selection, and low quality.