YAN exercise in mob shriek psych, I thought. But then, what are my credentials.. I haven't even killed a patient in my clinic, yet.
'It' could have been undone simply - except for the apparently hard-coded pissing match about Authority and then Punishment.
What a waste. Y'all get to be Righteous because He Didn't Follow Orders. Again! (Instead - it looks like - he thought through the means for making *this* trial pain-free, he thought. Maybe thought it a pleasant surprise, for any interested.) Radical thought: just maybe some material from Out There might be of interest to The List members, after vetting. But then.. Why.. he.. Skipped a Step!
If someone else had made a sl. different 'innovation':
please to call it research. Then, if the innovation proved more onerous than expected, ~ "OK we tried it and, it's a PITA. Please remove. Thanks for your effort, though!" At least I Hope that would be the generic process.. though now I'm not at all sure.
If Karsten:
then let's make an Example. He has ignored the putative 'majority'! - well, of the small part of the List who ever post to the list. Maybe. (Must be a boatload of lurkers.) If 'taking precautions' == 'ignoring'. Yeah, maybe he should have recalled the previous Sky Falling hyperbole; not have been so confident that, once explained - his present precautions would be seen to have been adequate. Bad Karsten: acting spontaneously.
I Love It when folks talk about "If Only He'd ___" Still and all, we "put up with" folks here, across a large range of talents and propensities to irritate; I believe that such toleration is generally associated with ideas like 'maturity' / freedom from rote judgments about motives, and the like. And some foibles kinda grow on one.. the whiney posts kinda leaven the stark didactic How-tos and such, I think.
Karsten tends to just Try Things without a formal vote. What a hideous nonconforming attribute - why, people like that might try almost Anything. And without permission from moi! :-0
(IIRC we even had a complaint about Clockwork --> OmiAllah; we failed to obtain pre-consensus!) We can be sure that Next April 1 shall pass uneventfully; I'm sure my plot for a dead-chicken on-a-doorknob Logo shall be voted down. Never mind the Surprise! factor. Logicians like process. With safeguards. In advance. Let's All be Safe and unSurprised, shall we?
Scary.. such unhomogeneous flippancy. And with no Authority, even. Best to make sure that no one ever tries to change /add anything there - again. Wait - no need.