Hi K,

It's generally a pretty nice writeup of your position (there are some typos and some other things that probably shouldn't be in there, but I won't digress further). I think if you had posted this and asked for input before the previous go-round, then the previous and recent unpleasantness on the mailing list would have been avoided.

I don't know the intricacies of administering mailing lists and the like, but if possible I think it would be best to have the site registrations segregated to a different mail address from the mailing list. People, IMHO, take their InBox very personally and want to have some control over what type of information shows up there. If there are ways to avoid it, having subscriptions/autoresponders and the like use a different address would seem to be the most friendly to readers of the mailing list.

I hope a consensus can be reached (between you, Peter, Rob and Greg especially) on this soon. Thanks for trying to work it out.
